బయో క్లబ్ సోడాస్ అందుబాటులోకి వచ్చేసింది

హైదరాబాద్:03rd April 2024: దేశీయంగా చేసిన బయో బెవరేజెస్ శ్రేణిని బ‌యో ఇండియా సంస్థ అధికారికంగా హైద‌రాబాద్ మార్కెట్‌లోకి ప్ర‌వేశ‌పెడుతున్న‌ట్లు ప్ర‌క‌టించింది. బంజారాహిల్స్‌లోని తాజ్ డెక్క‌న్ హోట‌ల్‌లో జ‌రిగిన కార్య‌క్ర‌మంలో బయో బెవరేజెస్ ఆవిష్కర్త డాక్టర్ శ్రీనివాస్ అమర్‌నాథ్ మాట్లాడుతూ, త‌మ ఉత్ప‌త్తులు సింథటిక్ రుచులు, రంగులు లేని సహజ సుగంధాలతో ఉంటాయ‌ని, సాంప్రదాయ ఉత్ప‌త్తుల‌తో పోలిస్తే అదే శాతంలో మత్తు ప్రభావాలను అందిస్తాయ‌న్నారు. రెండు దశాబ్దాల నైపుణ్యం R & D నుండి వీటిని కానుకొన్నామని, డాక్టర్ శ్రీనివాస్ అమర్‌నాథ్ వివ‌రించారు. బయో బెవరేజెస్ యొక్క ఫ్రాంచైజీ అయిన VSS బెవరేజెస్ ద్వారా బయో బెవరేజెస్ ఉత్పత్తులను తెలంగాణలో తయారు చేసి విక్రయిస్తున్నారు. టుడే’స్ స్పెషల్ బయో విస్కీ, డైలీస్ స్పెషల్ బయో బ్రాందీ మరియు వైల్డ్ ఫాక్స్ విస్కీ ప్రస్తుతం తెలంగాణ రాష్ట్రంలో అందుబాటులో ఉన్న బ్రాండ్‌లు. “బయో బెవరేజెస్ ఏ సింథటిక్ రుచులు మరియు రంగులను ఉపయోగించకుండా ఉత్తమ బొటానికల్స్, హై క్వాలిటీ స్పిరిట్స్, మాల్ట్ మరియు బయో ఆల్కలాయిడ్స్‌తో తయారుచేయబడ్డాయి. నేను ప్రపంచంలో వినియోగదారుల ఎంపికను దృష్టిలో ఉంచుకుని మొదటిసారిగా బయో లిక్కర్ ను అభివృద్ధి చేసాను, అని డాక్టర్ శ్రీనివాస్ అమర్‌నాథ్ వివ‌రించారు”

శ్రీ వేంకటేశ్వర విశ్వవిద్యాలయం నుండి ఉత్తమ వైద్యుడు మరియు వృక్షశాస్త్రజ్ఞుడు (Botanist), ఇందిరాగాంధీ ప్రియదర్శిని ప్రెసిడెంట్ అవార్డ్స్ తో సత్కరించబడిన డాక్టర్ శ్రీనివాస్ అమర్‌నాథ్ మాట్లాడుతూ, మద్యపాన సంబంధిత వ్యాధులతో బాధపడుతున్న రోగులను తాను తరచుగా చూస్తుంటానని, మరియు బయో బ్రాండ్స్ ను రూపొందించడానికి అమెరికా మరియు వివిధ దేశాలలో ఎన్నో సంవత్సరాలు రిసెర్చ్ చేసి, అమెరికా లో ఫెడరల్ గవర్నమెంట్ చే అప్రూవల్ పొంది బయో బెవరేజెస్ ని కనిపెట్టడం లో విజయం సాధించామని అన్నారు. మన భారత దేశం లో వివిధ రాష్ట్రాల్లో బయో బెవరేజెస్ కస్టమర్లకి అందుబాటులో ఉన్నాయని డాక్టర్ శ్రీనివాస్ అమర్‌నాథ్ తెలిపారు”
తెలంగాణ ఫ్రాంచైజీ VSS బెవరేజెస్ యొక్క ఆపరేషన్స్ మేనేజర్ శ్రీ ప్రదీప్ మాట్లాడుతూ, “వివిధ రకాల బ్రాండ్‌లకు వినియోగదారులు ప్రాధాన్యతనిస్తూ అత్యంత వేగంగా అభివృద్ధి చెందుతున్న మార్కెట్‌లలో తెలంగాణ ఒకటి. వినియోగదారుల ప్రాధాన్యతలను దృష్టిలో ఉంచుకుని, మేము మా మొట్టమొదటి BIO బెవరేజెస్ శ్రేణి ఉత్పత్తులను పరిచయం చేసాము, తెలంగాణ మాకు కీలకమైన మార్కెట్‌గా ఉన్నందున, ఈ అద్భుతమైన ఆవిష్కరణను తెలంగాణ కు అందించడానికి మేము చాలా సంతోషిస్తున్నాము. అని ఆయన వివరించారు.

సంస్థ మేనేజింగ్ డైర‌క్ట‌ర్ శ్రీనివాస రాయ‌లు మాట్లాడుతూ.. ఇటీవ‌ల యూఎస్‌లో నిర్వ‌హించిన ఓ కార్య‌క్ర‌మంలో బ‌యో బెవరేజెస్ ప్ర‌శంస‌లు అందుకున్నాయ‌న్నారు. పరిశోధన, అభివృద్ధి, మార్కెటింగ్‌లో గణనీయమైన పెట్టుబడులు పెట్టడం, ప్రపంచవ్యాప్తంగా పరిశోధన మరియు అభివృద్ధి కోసం ప్రపంచ వ్యాప్తంగా సుమారు 10 మిలియన్ డాల‌ర్లు ఖర్చు చేసినట్టు ఆయ‌న వివ‌రించారు.
బ‌యో పురస్కారాలు –
వైన్ అండ్ స్పిరిట్స్ హోల్‌సేలర్ ఆఫ్ అమెరికా స్పిరిట్స్ టేస్టింగ్ పోటీల్లో 75 వ వార్షిక కన్వెన్షన్ & ఎక్స్‌పోజిషన్‌లో రజతాన్ని సాధించింది.
-యూఎస్ఏలో వైన్, స్పిరిట్స్ హోల్‌సేలర్స్ నుండి స్పిరిట్ టేస్టింగ్ పోటీలో విజేత. బయో విస్కీకి ది సిల్వర్ అవుట్‌స్టాండింగ్ -విస్కీస్ ఆఫ్ ది వరల్డ్ అవార్డు లభించింది.
-బార్టెండర్ స్పిరిట్స్ & అవార్డ్స్‌లో బయో డిలైట్ రమ్‌కు సిల్వర్ లభించింది.
-బార్టెండర్ స్పిరిట్స్ & అవార్డ్స్‌లో బయో క్లబ్ వోడ్కాకు డబుల్ గోల్డ్ లభించింది.

MG Motor India clocks 4648 units Retail Sales in March 2024

Telugu super news,National, April 1st, 2024: MG Motor today announced that it had registered retail sales of 4648 units in India, ending March 2024. In FY 2023-24, the carmaker registered around 14 percent Y-o-Y growth over the last FY 2022-2023. The moderation in automobile industry growth, particularly passenger vehicle (PV) sales, evidenced in March, on the back of a delayed festive season and various other factors, should see a gradual positive uptick in the months to come.

మాదాపూర్ లోని క్యాపిటల్ పార్కులో అత్యాధునిక థీమ్ తో ఎఫ్ కేఫ్ & బార్ ప్రారంభం…

ఈ గ్రాండ్ లాంచ్ కార్యక్రమంలో బిగ్ బాస్ సన్నీ, అర్జున్,మెహబాబ్, అశ్వని, తనీష్, నవీన్, మహేష్, మరికొంతమంది సినీ తారల పాల్గొన్నారు.

ఎఫ్ కేఫ్ & బార్ అత్యాధునిక థీమ్ ను కలిగి ఉంది, ఇందులో కైనెటిక్ లైట్లు, అతిపెద్ద లాంజ్ మరియు విశాలమైన స్థలం ఉన్నాయి, ఇవి విద్యుదీకరణ మరియు లీనమయ్యే వాతావరణాన్ని సృష్టిస్తాయి. హైదరాబాద్ లో మొట్టమొదటి సారి వినూత్న కాన్సెప్ట్ తో ఉంది, మంచి అనుభూతిలో మునిగిపోయేలా చేస్తుంది.

ఎఫ్ కేఫ్ & బార్ యొక్క గ్రాండ్ లాంచ్‌తో కేఫ్ లైఫ్ మరియు బార్ ఎంటర్‌టైన్‌మెంట్ యొక్క కొత్త తరుణాన్నికి వేదికను ఏర్పాటు చేసినందుకు చాలా సంతోషిస్తున్నాము” అని ఎఫ్ కేఫ్ & బార్ నిర్వహకులు రవి కిరణ్ తెలిపారు. ఎఫ్ కేఫ్ ఎక్కువ గా ఇష్టపడేవారికి మంచి అనుభవాన్ని అందించడమే మా లక్ష్యం. ఇక్కడ ప్రపంచ స్థాయి ఆతిథ్యంతో కొత్త కొత్త థీమ్స్ తో వినూత్న ఏర్పాటు చేశాం.

ఎఫ్ కేఫ్ & బార్ హైదరాబాద్ యొక్క కేఫ్ లైఫ్ వారికి మ్యూజిక్ తో పాటు మంచి ఫుడ్, పల్సేటింగ్ బీట్‌లు, రుచికరమైన పానీయాలు మరియు అద్భుతమైన వంటకాలను అందిస్తుంది. ఈ వేదిక పార్టీ ఔత్సాహికులు మరియు సెలబ్రిటీలకు మంచి పార్టీ ప్లేస్ అని తెలిపారు.

PhonePe Users Can Now Make UPI Payments in UAE via NEOPAY Terminals

Telugu super news,National, March 28, 2024: PhonePe App users traveling to the UAE can now make payments using UPI at Mashreq’s NEOPAY terminals, available across a wide array of retail stores, dining outlets, as well as tourist and leisure attractions. They simply need to scan the QR code for seamless and rapid payments. These transactions are facilitated by the Unified Payments Interface (UPI). The account debit will occur in INR, showing the currency exchange rate. 

Additionally, NRIs with UAE mobile numbers can also download the PhonePe App and link their existing NRE and NRO accounts to facilitate payments. This aims to enhance the ease and convenience of transactions for the Indian diaspora in the UAE. 

This collaboration is facilitated through Mashreq’s partnership with NPCI International Payments Limited (NIPL). Through this partnership, Mashreq has enabled NEOPAY terminals to accept UPI apps as a payment instrument, thus allowing Indian travelers to conveniently use UPI for transactions.

This strategic alliance combines PhonePe’s cutting-edge technology with Mashreq’s commitment to incorporate best-in-class tech and innovation in their operations. It will play a vital role in providing a superlative customer experience at NEOPAY terminals.  

Speaking on the partnership Ritesh Pai, CEO International PaymentsPhonePe said, “We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Mashreq. UAE is a very popular destination, with millions of Indian visitors every year. With this partnership, customers can now conveniently transact through UPI, a payment method they are familiar with. Enabling digital payments not only reflects PhonePe’s commitment to convenience but also embraces the evolving needs of today’s travelers. This collaboration opens doors to seamless transactions, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable journey for visitors.”

Vibhor Mundhada, CEO of NEOPAY at Mashreq added, “We are delighted to collaborate with PhonePe to offer yet another new payment solution for Indian tourists and visitors in the UAE, helping further cement the already strong financial relations between the two countries. This latest launch underscores our commitment to incorporating innovation and technology into our operations, and to providing the solutions and experiences our customers want and need.” 

Anubhav Sharma, Deputy Chief – Partnership Business Development & Marketing, NIPL said, “We aim to actively collaborate with financial institutions around the world, fostering partnerships to deliver convenient and secure cross-border payment solutions for consumers. This partnership encourages fintech collaboration and unifies the ecosystem to streamline payment processes for Indian travelers to UAE.” 

In addition to facilitating travel and local transactions, PhonePe will also introduce inward remittance services once the corridor for inward remittances is enabled. This will simplify the process of transferring money by leveraging the UPI infrastructure, thereby eliminating the need for details such as bank account numbers and IFSC codes. 

సూచిరిండియా ఫౌండేషన్ సివి రామన్ యంగ్ జీనియస్ అవార్డుల ప్రదానం…

సూచిరిండియా ఫౌండేషన్ ఆధ్వర్యంలో ఏప్రిల్ 4న శ్రీనగర్ కాలనీలోని శ్రీ సత్యసాయి నిగమాగమం లో సర్ సివి రామన్ యంగ్ జీనియస్ అవార్డుల ప్రధానం ….

ప్రముఖ సామాజిక సేవాసంస్థ సుచిరిండియా ఫౌండేషన్ 31వ సర్ సివి రామన్ టాలెంట్ సెర్చ్ పరీక్షను జాతీయ మరియు రాష్ట్ర స్థాయిలో వివిధ పాఠశాలల్లో నిర్వహించింది. 1500 పాఠశాలల నుండి 1,00,000 మంది విద్యార్థులు పాల్గొన్నారు. దేశ వ్యాప్తంగా మరియు తెలుగు రాష్ట్రాల పరిధిలో నిర్వహించిన 31వ జాతీయ స్థాయి సైన్స్ టాలెంట్ సెర్చ్ పరీక్షల్లో 16 మందికి గోల్డ్ మెడల్స్, 16 మంది ర్యాంకేర్స్ కి మరియు 396 డిస్ట్రిక్ ర్యాంకేర్స్ కి, 8 మంది కి ఛత్రలయా పురస్కార్ అవార్డ్స్, 8 మందికి గురు బ్రహ్మ అవార్డ్స్, రాష్ట్రా స్థాయి మెడల్స్ మరియు జిల్లా స్థాయి ర్యాంక్స్ వచ్చిన యువ టాలెంట్ విద్యార్థులకు శ్రీ సత్యసాయి నిగమాగమం లో అవార్డులు ప్రదానం చేయనున్నారు అని సూచిరిండియా ఫౌండేషన్ నిర్వహకులు లయన్ కిరణ్ తెలిపారు.

ఈ కార్యక్రమానికి ముఖ్య అతిథిలుగా డా. జి. సతీష్ రెడ్డి గారు,రక్షా మంత్రికి మాజీ సైంటిఫిక్ అడ్వైజర్, సెక్రటరీ DD (R&D) , & చైర్మన్ DRDO. H.E. నికోలాయ్ హ్రిస్టోవ్ యాంకోవ్, భారతదేశానికి రిపబ్లిక్ ఆఫ్ బల్గేరియా యొక్క గౌరవనీయమైన అంబాసిడర్ అసాధారణ & ప్లీనిపోటెన్షియరీ మరియు శ్రీ. చంద్రబోస్ ఆస్కార్ అవార్డు గ్రహీత, టాలీవుడ్ గీత రచయిత మరియు గాయకుడు పాల్గొనున్నారు.

BITS Pilani WILP to Host International Conference on “Work Integrated Learning” in Hyderabad

Telugu super news,India ,March 27, 2024: TheWork Integrated Learning Programmes (WILP) division of Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS) Pilani will be hosting International Conference on Work Integrated Learning (ICONWIL-2024at its Hyderabad campus on April 15 and 16, 2024. With extensive focus on developing constructive directions for the future in the critical and specific domain of “work integrated learning,” the conference aims to bring together scholars, practitioners, and policymakers from across the globe. The aim is to provide a thought-provoking common platform, where they can exchange their research findings and innovative ideas, share best practices, experiences, and insights on diverse aspects, and discuss solutions for various practical challenges that are encountered by professionals in the field of teaching and learning.

Prof. (Dr.) T G Sitharam, the Chairman, All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), Government of India, has gracefully accepted BITS Pilani’s invitation to be the Chief Guest for the opening ceremony of the conference.

Engaging keynote speeches, panel discussions, and paper and case study presentations

The conference will have keynote speeches and panel discussions (on contemporary topics in work integrated learning space) by internationally acclaimed thought leaders from both academia and industry. Some of the prominent speakers who shall grace the conference are Prof. Manu Kapur, Professor, ETH Zurich, Prof. Daniel Jonathan Bernstein, Professor-Emeritus, University of Kansas, USA, Prof. Nelson Lacey, Professor-Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Dr. Lakshminarayanan Samavedham, Associate Professor, University of Singapore, Dr. Edamana Prasad, Professor, IIT-Madras and Mr. P B Kotur, Global Head of Engineering Academy, L&T Technology Services Ltd. The conference will also have paper and case study presentations from researchers and practitioners on five engaging tracks i.e. perspectives on future directions for work integrated learning, pedagogical practices, assessment models, innovation and learning technologies, and industry-academia collaboration. 

Showcase of tech-powered innovative learning solutions and a hands-on workshop

A student competition, “EduForge,” focusing on tech-powered solutions for “work integrated learning” will also be held as part of the conference. The competition will challenge participants to conceptualize, design, develop, and present innovative technological solutions that can help enhance the learning experience of students. The participants will have opportunities to showcase their innovation in five different tracks i.e. AI-enabled work integrated learning, innovative solutions for experiential learning, tech-enabled student engagement and peer learning, tech-enabled assessment, and tech-enabled student support system. A hands-on workshop on leveraging Generative AI in teaching and learning (with specific focus on practical use cases in work integrated learning) will also be facilitated by Mr. Keshava Rangarajan, co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer, Spanda AI, USA.

Wipro GE Healthcare Announces Investment of Over INR8000 Crores in Manufacturing Output & Local R&D Over Next 5 Years

Telugu super news,India,March,2024: Wipro GE Healthcare, a leading global medical technology, pharmaceutical diagnostics, and digital solutions innovator, today announced an investment of over INR8000 Crores in manufacturing output & local R&D over next 5 years. Poised for exponential growth, MedTech, the Sunrise Sector is thriving with the hospital industry in India, accounting for 80% of the total healthcare market and witnessing strong investor demand locally and globally. This strategic investment bolsters Wipro GE Healthcare’s local manufacturing footprint to address the growing domestic and international market and will build supply chain resiliency for the organization.  As a part of this investment, the Wipro GE Healthcare ‘Made in India’ PET CT Discovery IQ will be exported to 15 countries. Additionally, the ‘Made in India’ Revolution Aspire CT, Revolution ACT and MR breast coils will be manufactured ‘In India for the World’.  

India is among the top 20 global markets for medical devices in the world. Wipro GE Healthcare is among the first MedTech companies to ‘Make in India – for India and the world’ over past three decades, investing upwards of over $4Billion in R&D and manufacturing output in India since inception. Over the decades, the organization has fostered a strong local supplier ecosystem of MedTech component manufacturing – covering capabilities like plastics, EMS, machining, castings, 3D printing – contributing $1M supplier Labor hours. The investment will include creation of additional 400,000 labor hours.

Azim Premji, Chairman, Wipro GE Healthcare, Chairman, Wipro Enterprises and Chairman Azim Premji Foundation, said, “India is riding the resurgent growth in the healthcare industry and rapidly expanding MedTech sector. With ‘Make in India’, we are witnessing an exponential expansion of manufacturing footprint in the country, strengthening  India’s capability as the MedTech hub of the world. Wipro GE Healthcare has been committed to this localization journey for over three decades and this strategic investment is  testament to our vision for this sector.”

Peter J. Arduini, President and CEO, GE HealthCare said, “India is a high potential, high priority market for GE HealthCare globally. In fact, we are among the first MedTech companies to ‘Make in India – for India and the World’. We will continue to invest in expanding India’s domestic capabilities and its global footprint in MedTech manufacturing and R&D. Today’s announcement is aligned with our strategic vision to deliver precision innovation globally and accelerate India’s position as ‘MedTech innovation and manufacturing hub for India and for world markets.”

Chaitanya Sarawate, Managing Director, Wipro GE Healthcare and President & CEO, GE HealthCare South Asia said, “Innovating in India and Making in India – for India and for the World, has always been a priority for us, evident in our trajectory and investments over past three decades. We have fostered a strong innovation track record, a local supplier ecosystem and built a portfolio of world class products in India, for India and the world. As a local partner we are bullish about India’s potential and its journey to be ‘Atmanirbhar’ and a key cog in the resilient global supply chain. As India envisions to be among top five global manufacturing hubs in terms of value and technology for Medical Devices in the coming years, we are committed to the national healthcare agenda.”

Currently, the organization has four manufacturing plants in Bengaluru. All four manufacturing plants are export plants – the latest one established in March 2022 with an investment of a little over INR100 crore under the Indian government’s PLI Scheme. 

GE HealthCare is among the first healthcare companies to start an R&D center in India over three decades back. The Healthcare Technology Center India (HTCI) is GE HealthCare’s largest R&D center outside of the USA, situated in John F. Welch Technology Centre (JFWTC), Bengaluru. The organization also has collaborations with leading academic institutions in the country to further research. In January 2024, GE HealthCare signed an MoU with Indian Institute of Science (IISc) to advance MedTech innovation from India – for India and the world.  

Daimler India Commercial Vehicles’ CY2023 business performance best-ever; best-in-class MY24 BharatBenz trucks to drive business growth in 2024

Telugu super news,National, March, 2024 – Daimler India Commercial Vehicles (DICV), the wholly-owned subsidiary of Daimler Truck AG (“Daimler Truck”) announced that in CY2023 it has achieved record sales and revenue performance. The company’s CY2023 domestic truck and bus sales grew by 39% and revenue grew by 21% over 2022. DICV’s bus volumes doubled in CY2023, growing 107% over 2022. Its cumulative sales (including domestic and exports) from January to December 2023 grew by 13% and its parts business grew by more than 21% over CY2022. 

In January 2023, DICV had transitioned its entire BharatBenz truck and bus portfolio to comply with OBD-II regulations, with a sharper focus on reducing total cost of ownership, increasing the productivity of its trucks and offering industry-leading service intervals in India.

Commenting on the business performance, Mr. Satyakam Arya – Managing Director and CEO, Daimler India Commercial Vehicles said, “Our best-ever sales and financial growth, since inception, was spearheaded by excellent demand for our tipper and tractor trailer product lines which grew 53% and 79% respectively compared to CY2022. A slew of strategic initiatives that we undertook in 2023 also helped us take informed decisions on costs, tackle headwinds effectively and sharpen our focus on key areas of our business. We have started CY2024 with great confidence, and with an ever-stronger product portfolio, engineered and packaged to drive business growth to new heights in 2024. Our aim was to challenge ourselves and up the game on total cost of ownership, uptime and reliability, all of which our customers will benefit from with our new MY24 heavy-duty truck portfolio. These trucks reflect our highly evolved product development capabilities, which are being put to good use for creation of new products to help answer future mobility requirements.”

The record business performance in 2023 was driven by multiple initiatives that DICV undertook holistically as an organization. Last year, the company met its annual target of establishing 350 sales and service locations across India, expanding BharatBenz presence across the country, in new markets. Manufacturing operations were streamlined and made cost effective by introducing many digitalization initiatives such as automated workforce planning and predictive maintenance using data, and many other initiatives that are in the phase of completion. On the sustainability front, nearly 85% of DICV’s manufacturing operations are run on renewable energy and nearly 90% of its plant functions on upcycled water, reducing over 27,000 tonnes of carbon footprint. 

On the heels of its record performance in 2023, the truck and bus manufacturer renowned for setting new benchmarks in the Indian commercial vehicles industry is ready to launch all its MY24 BharatBenz heavy-duty trucks in the coming months. The first to be launched will be the all-new BharatBenz Rigid range, followed by trucks with the newly-introduced Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) and the all-new Construction and Mining truck heavy-duty range.

Commenting on the all-new MY24 BharatBenz range Mr. Sreeram Venkateswaran, President and Chief Business Officer (domestic sales and customer service) said, “Having set new benchmarks in the industry, gained a large customer base in the construction and mining space and with a progressive tractor trailer portfolio in the last decade, we felt that we should go back to the drawing board to revamp everything that our heavy-duty trucks had under their skin and offer customers something new in 2024. So, the MY24 BharatBenz range is more superior than ever with respect to total cost of ownership, technology, reliability, safety, comfort and serviceability. With our new trucks we are ready to intensify our presence in the construction and mining space with tippers that are far superior to their predecessors. We are soon launching an all-new Rigid heavy-duty range that will offer best-in-class fuel efficiency, power, torque, safety, reliability and service benefits. We are introducing the world’s best 12-speed Automated Manual Transmission in our portfolio will deliver an effortless driving experience and class-leading fuel efficiency like it has done in approximately 500,000 of our trucks around the world.” 

The all-new BharatBenz Rigid Heavy-duty range:

Scheduled for market launch in April 2024, the all-new BharatBenz Rigid heavy-duty range of trucks will be available in the following configurations: 2826R (6×2), 3526R (8×2), 3832R (8×2), 4232R (10×2) and 4832R (10×2). These trucks will be powered by an all-new 6.7-litre, common-rail BSVI Stage 2 BharatBenz engine, designed to deliver better acceleration, class-leading peak torque, even better durability and drivability than before, and fewer gear changes. It will also prove to have unmatched reliability in Indian conditions. The new rigid range of trucks will also offer bitumen, bulker, Petroleum Oil & Lubricants (POL) payload applications, widening the range of its customer base with its improved layout and ‘cigar type’ After Treatment System (ATS). 

The all-new BharatBenz Construction and Mining heavy-duty range:

The new range of BharatBenz construction and mining heavy-duty trucks have been completely re-engineered for superior functionality and comes with many segment-first features. Offered in 2828C and 3532C configurations, they are optimized to suit surface transport construction applications and terrains, have a high-power engine, class-leading torque in its categories, a higher yield strength chassis, new, service-free wheel hubs, new axles, all-new suspension with higher ground clearance and first-in-segment rear shock absorbers and hill-hold assist as standard fitment. 

Daimler Truck’s world-renowned 12-speed Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) introduced in BharatBenz trucks:

BharatBenz trucks will be offered with the proven and world’s best 12-speed Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) variants for the first time in its tractor trailer and mining MY24 models. To be offered in 4032TT, 5532TT, 3532CM and 2832CM for long haul and mining applications, the new AMT, which has served over 500,000 trucks globally, ensures a jerk-free transmission of power to the wheels with reduced shifting time, improves reliability, reduces the need for overhaul and can be operated with a convenient steering column shift stick, thereby enhancing driver comfort.

The high value proposition that BharatBenz customers benefit from are industry-leading longer service intervals, best-in-industry manufacturer’s warranty, 48-hour service / repair uptime through its ‘Rakshana’ initiative and fuel efficiency improvements. These and many more factors contribute to the excellent total cost of ownership that BharatBenz commercial vehicles deliver cumulatively.  

BharatBenz has the reputation of being one of the most respected truck and bus brands in the Indian commercial vehicle industry since its inception and is known for its stellar engineering, safe vehicles and uptime assurance. The brand’s dealerships and service stations are located on leading national and state highways, providing ease and flexibility to every type of customer. BharatBenz sales and service locations across India cover national highways on the Golden Quadrilateral North-South and East-West Corridors, with reach to customers on these highways within two hours. BharatBenz trucks have the safest crash-tested cabins in India, meeting the highest safety standards (ECE R29-03) as per European cab-crash regulations, not mandated in India yet. 

Creative Graphics Solutions India Limited IPO opens on Thursday, March 28; price band fixed at Rs. 80–85

Telugu super news,Hyderabad, March 22, 2024: Creative Graphics Solutions India Limited (“Creative Graphics” or “The Company”), India’s leading organised and integrated packaging ecosystem player, announced that its initial public offering (IPO) will open on Thursday, March 28, 2024. The anchor portion will be opened on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, and the issue will conclude on Thursday, April 04, 2024. The company intends to raise approximately Rs. 54.4 crore (at upper band) from the offering and aims to be listed with NSE Emerge. The price band for the issue has been fixed at Rs. 80/- – Rs. 85/- per share, and the lot size will be 1,600 equity shares.

Corporate Capital Ventures is the Book Running Lead Manager, and Bigshare Services Private Limited is the Registrar for the issue Private Limited is the Registrar to the issue. Corporate Capital Ventures Private Limited completed a string of successful SME IPOs in recent months, including Alpex Solar, Esconet Technologies, Rockingdeals, Accent Microcell, Oriana Power, Droneacharya and Crayons Advertising, among others.

Creative Graphics is a product of the MSMEx SME IPO Cohort program, mentored by Amit Kumar, Founder & CEO at MSMEx.

The Noida-based company’s IPO will comprise a fresh issue of 64,00,000 Equity Shares with a face value of Rs. 10/- through the book-building route. As many as 3.2 lakh equity shares have been reserved for Market Maker, 9.12 lakh equity shares allocated for NIIs, 30.4 lakh equity shares for QIBs (including 18.24 lakh equity shares as Anchor investor portion), and the Retail (RII) portion accounts for 21.28 lakh equity shares.

According to the RHP document, the company intends to utilise net proceeds from the IPO to meet the working capital requirements of the company, repay/prepay, in part or full of certain of the company’s borrowings, meet the capital expenditure of the company, fund inorganic growth through unidentified acquisition for the company, and general corporate expenses.

Creative Graphics specialises in manufacturing flexographic printing plates, including Digital Flexo Plates, Conventional Flexo Printing Plates, Letter Press Plates, Metal Back Plates, and Coating Plates. The company serves its customer base in India, Thailand, Qatar, Kuwait, Nepal, and Africa. It operates seven manufacturing facilities in different states: Noida (Uttar Pradesh), Vasai, Pune (Maharashtra), Chennai (Tamil Nadu), Baddi (Himachal Pradesh), Hyderabad (Telangana), and Ahmedabad (Gujarat).

Founded by Deepanshu Goel, a first-generation entrepreneur and incorporated in 2014, Creative Graphics has expanded its business through its wholly owned subsidiaries – Creative Graphics Premedia Private Limited (CG Premedia) and Wahren India Private Limited. While CG Premedia offers end-to-end premedia services, from design adaptation to print production, Wahren India supplies high-quality packaging solutions for the pharmaceutical industry. It produces Alu-Alu Foil, Blister Foil, Tropical Alu-Alu Foil, CR Foil, and Pharmaceutical Sachet.

The company clocked revenue of Rs. 48.07 crore and earned a profit (PAT) of Rs. 7.24 crore during the first half of the current fiscal year, which ended September 30, 2023. It registered revenue of Rs. 90.14 crore and a profit (PAT) of Rs. 8.64 crore in FY2022-23.

FUJIFILM India Installs its first ever State-of-the-Art Open MRI Machine in Hyderabad at Vijaya Diagnostic Centre

Telugu super news,Hyderabad, 22 March 2024: Expanding access to advanced diagnostic imaging, FUJIFILM India has announced the installation of its groundbreaking Open MRI machine “APERTO Lucent” at Vijaya Diagnostic Centre- India’s Largest Integrated B2C Diagnostic Chain. The event was graced by Mr. Koji Wada, MD of FUJIFILM India and Mr. Chander Shekhar Sibal, Sr. Vice President & HOD – Healthcare Business -FUJIFILM India, along with Mr. Sheshadri Vasan, Chief Operating Officer of Vijaya DiagnosticCentre. This partnership marks a significant step towards advancing patient-centric imaging technology.

The APERTO Lucent is a new age, Prime open MRI device which is equipped with IP-RAPID – a modern day technique that reduces scan times while maintaining high image quality by employing under sampling and image reconstruction with iterative processing which will result in improved image quality with higher spatial resolution. The design of APERTO Lucent will provide high speed solutions combined with better patient experience.

Revolutionizing diagnostic centres and healthcare facilities, this state-of-the-art machine boasts a groundbreaking 0.4T static-field-strength permanent magnet and a sleek gantry, propelling Magnetic Resonance Imaging into a new era of sophistication. Provides swift scans with accelerated speeds, all at a low running cost and an attractive initial investment with no additional infrastructure required. Its simplified installation process and reduced construction needs expedite setup, ensuring operational readiness in record time. Designed for space efficiency, its compact form is perfect for healthcare facilities with limited space. With vigilant customer support, uninterrupted functionality, round-the-clock monitoring, and enhanced maintenance efficiency, the machine empowers healthcare professionals to prioritize patient care.

Adding on, Mr. Chander Shekhar Sibal, Sr. Vice President & HOD, Healthcare Business, FUJIFILM India, said, “FUJIFILM India has been at the forefront of MRI technology with consistent development where we always aim to find the next breakthrough in the form of higher resolution and crystalline imaging, aiding in more accurate diagnoses. At the same time, we’re also focused on patient-centric designs as we build comfortable MRI machines, reducing claustrophobia and anxiety during scans. Therefore, APERTO Lucent elevates industry benchmarks by combining both aspects, redefining the sophisticated MRI field. Its installation will broaden our technological footprint in the country, offering a streamlined, patient-centric and economical solution for our partners like Vijaya DiagnosticCentre.”

Taking patient friendliness to a notch high, APERTO Lucent’s single-pillar MRI structure provides a panoramic open view, significantly reducing patient anxiety. It also features a wide, lateral table with a soft sound operation to create a comfortable examination environment. Moreover, the True OPEN Bore design of the system reduces the risk of claustrophobia while accommodating patients of diverse body types.

Expressing enthusiasm about the partnership, Mr. Sheshadri Vasan, Chief Operating Officer of Vijaya DiagnosticCentre, stated, “We’re proud to be partnering with FUJIFILM India as we share the common goal of providing quality diagnostic solutions to the people. Integrating this advanced Open MRI machine into our arsenal will assist us in prioritizing comfort while maintaining top-notch diagnostic accuracy, ensuring the best possible outcomes for our patients. At Vijaya DiagnosticCentre, our objective is to deliver accessible healthcare services and this installation will transform the way we serve throughout the region.”

The collaboration between FUJIFILM India Healthcare Division and Vijaya DiagnosticCentre reflects a shared commitment to advancing healthcare technology and enhancing patient care in the region.

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