RSV infection in children

Dr. Srinivas Jakka, Senior Consultant Paediatrician and Pulmonologist,

Ankura Hospital for Women and Children

Telugu super news,november 8th,2023:Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, is one of the most common viruses causing respiratory infection across the world. Many people recover in a week or two with mild, cold-like symptoms but the disease can be severe in infants, elderly populations, and certain high-risk groups.

Mode of spread

RSV is highly contagious. It spreads through droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The virus enters the body when an individual inhales air containing the infected droplets. It can also be spread by contact with a contaminated surface. RSV now accounts for 14% of all influenza-like illnesses (ILI) across the country. RSV often occurs in yearly outbreaks in communities, classrooms, and childcare centres. The infection is more common in early spring and winter months. RSV can affect a person of any age but causes the most problems for infants and the elderly. Also, babies born prematurely or with diseases of the heart, lung, or immune system are at increased risk for more severe illness.

Common symptoms

Symptoms start about 2 to 5 days after contact with the virus. The early phase of RSV in babies and young children is often mild, like the common cold. In younger children, the illness may cause inflammation in the airways (bronchiolitis) and lungs (pneumonia) causing more severe illness.

The most common symptoms of RSV include:

·       Fever  

·       Runny nose

·       Sore throat

·       Cough

·       Difficulty in feeding

·       Wheezing

·       Breathlessness (breathing faster than usual, or increased work of breathing)

·       Short periods without breathing (apnea)

·       Turning blue around the lips and fingertips 

The symptoms of RSV can however mimic many other respiratory viral infections. The child needs to be seen by a Paediatrician if any worrying symptoms like high temperatures, severe cough, poor feeding, or breathing difficulties, drowsiness etc. are seen.

Diagnosis of RSV infection

The diagnosis is based on the above symptoms and specific tests. There are now tests available (PCR tests) to confirm the diagnosis of RSV infection as well as other common viruses. These involve taking a swab from the nose similar to the COVID testing.

Treatment will depend on the child’s symptoms, age, and general health. Antibiotics are not effective against RSV and other viruses that cause common cold and flu-like symptoms. Specific treatments using drugs like Ribavirin are indicated only in selected groups of patients. In the remaining patients, treatment is mainly symptomatic and supportive.

This includes ensuring that the child receives adequate fluids orally. Paracetamol might be given for fever. Sick patients might require hospital admission and additional treatments like intravenous (IV) fluids, oxygen, and nebulization. Extremely sick patients might require Intensive care unit (ICU) admission and breathing support using a breathing machine (ventilator).


RSV vaccination is available for the elderly (above 60 years) and at-risk newborn babies in some countries. However, there are some general measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of infection including:

·       Encouraging breastfeeding.

·       Preventing contact with sick people.

·       General hygienic measures like the use of masks, sanitizers,  hand hygiene etc.

·       Sick people should avoid going to school, work, and other public places.

·       Sick people should cover their mouths when coughing or sneezing.

These measures are especially important in the above-mentioned high-risk groups during the RSV season.

American Oncology Institute (AOI) in Guntur Successfully Treated Paediatric Acute T-Lymphoblastic Leukaemia in a Malnourished Child

Telugu super news,GUNTUR, 26th October 2023:American Oncology Institute (AOI) in Guntur, part of one of South Asia’s largest cancer chain hospitals has successfully saved a 4-year-old severely malnourished child suffering from acute T-Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL). The child weighed only 9 kgs, despite an ideal weight range of 16-20 kgs for a child of this age. This exceptional case presented a significant challenge as the patient had been denied treatment at multiple centers due to the severity of cachexia.

Under the guidance of Dr Ramprahlad KM, Consultant Medical Oncologist at AOI, the child was put on a nourishing and energetic diet plan, balanced with protein supplements and started on chemo with dose adjustment appropriate to his weight and age. However, throughout the course of chemotherapy, the child faced various infections. The expert medical oncological team and dedicated nursing staff worked together to manage and treat these infections, ultimately helping the child recover from neutropenic sepsis.

Dr Ramprahlad KM, MD (Internal Medicine); DM (Medical Oncology), Consultant Medical Oncologist, AOI, shared insights into this remarkable journey, “Treating a severe malnourished, cachexic child with T-ALL is a daunting task. We recognized the urgency of this case and took a comprehensive approach. After careful dose adjustments, we initiated chemotherapy while closely monitoring the patient’s weight and age-appropriate drug levels. The initial blood counts at presentation were staggering, exceeding 2 lakhs. However, our comprehensive treatment plan and the exceptional care provided by our team helped in improving the patient’s counts to normalcy. We are delighted to share that the child’s weight increased from 9 kg to 10 kg, and remission was achieved.”

Mr. Mahendra Reddy, Regional Chief Operating Officer (RCOO), AOI, emphasized, “This remarkable success story is a testament to our mission. We prioritize offering the most advanced and personalized cancer care to all our patients. Our dedicated medical professionals at AOI are at the forefront of providing hope, care, and support to all our patients. This case highlights the importance of never giving up on a patient and constantly striving to deliver the best possible outcomes.”

American Oncology Institute stands as a beacon of hope for individuals battling cancer, and this extraordinary achievement further solidifies its commitment to advancing the fight against cancer. The success story of this young patient serves as an inspiration to us all, demonstrating that with the right expertise and dedication, remarkable recoveries are possible. American Oncology Institute (AOI) at Bommidala Cancer Institute located in Guntur is one of the best cancer hospitals in Andhra Pradesh, offering a wide range of cancer treatment services in the region. As a proud member of the elite global network of the International Tumor Board, AOI in Guntur collaborates closely with leading medical professionals worldwide, ensuring that our patients receive the most advanced and informed treatment options available at the best hospital in Andhra Pradesh.

హైదరాబాదీ కనెక్షన్ఢిల్లీలో నెలోఫర్ కర్రింబోయ్ నిర్మించిన నాటకాన్ని వీక్షించడానికి రౌనక్ యార్ ఖాన్ ఆహ్వానించబడ్డారు.

తెలుగు సూపర్ న్యూస్ ,హైదరాబాద్, అక్టోబర్ 26, 2023:నెలోఫర్ కర్రింబోయ్ నిర్మించిన “ఆనంద – ఐస్ ఆఫ్ ది హీలర్” అనే థియేటర్ ప్రదర్శనకు అసఫ్ జాహీ రాజవంశానికి చెందిన 9వ నిజాం రౌనక్ యార్ ఖాన్ ఆహ్వానించబడ్డారు. నెలోఫర్ కర్రింబోయ్ “షహనాజ్ హుస్సేన్ హెర్బల్స్’ సంస్థకు డైరెక్టర్. ఆమె “హెర్బల్ క్వీన్” షెహనాజ్ హుస్సేన్ కుమార్తె. ఆనంద-ఐస్ ఆఫ్ ది హీలర్ అనే సంగీత నాటకంతో, నెలోఫర్ కర్రింబోయ్ నాటక ప్రపంచంలోకి అడుగుపెట్టారు.

నెలోఫర్ కర్రింబోయ్, రచయిత్రి , మూలికా అందాల సామ్రాజ్ఞి షానాజ్ హుస్సేన్ కుమార్తె. ఆమె భావోద్వేగాలు, సంగీతం,ఆధ్యాత్మికతను మిళితం చేసే కథనాన్ని రాశారు.

“ఆనంద – ఐస్ ఆఫ్ ది హీలర్” అనే కార్యక్రమం సంగీత నాటకం. దీనికి ముజఫర్ అలీ దర్శకత్వం వహించగా, శివాని వర్మ కొరియోగ్రఫీ అందించారు. కబీర్ బేడి కథనం అందించారు. వీరంతా కలిసి కథ చెప్పే కళకు గొప్పదనాన్ని అందిస్తున్నారు

ఈ కార్యక్రమంలో 9వ నిజాం పాల్గొనడం కేవలం పాల్గొనడం కంటే చాలా ఎక్కువ. నెలోఫర్ హైదరాబాదులోని నిజామ్ వంశానికి సంబదించిన వారు. ఆమె ముత్తాత, సర్ అఫ్సర్ ఉల్ ముల్క్ అసఫ్ జాహీ నిజాంల హైదరాబాద్ స్టేట్ ఫోర్సెస్(రక్షణ దళాలు) కమాండర్ & చీఫ్. ఆమె తల్లి అందాల భామ షెహనాజ్ హుస్సేన్ జన్మస్థలం కూడా హైదరాబాద్.

నాటకం అనూహ్యంగా సృజనాత్మకమైనది మరియు ప్రధాని మోడీ కార్యాలయం నుండి కూడా టిక్కట్లకోసం అభ్యర్థనలు వచ్చినట్లు అనూహ్య స్పందన లభినట్లు తెలుపుతున్నారు

“ఆనంద-ది ఐస్ ఆఫ్ ది హీలర్” అనే నాటకం ఈరోజు ఢిల్లీలో ఐకానిక్ గోల్ఫ్ క్లబ్‌లో పార్టీ తర్వాత ప్రముఖుల డిన్నర్‌తో ముగుస్తుంది, ఇది 27వ తేదీన కూడా కొనసాగుతుంది . ఈ నాటకం చిత్రం “ఉమ్రావోజాన్” ప్రముఖ నిర్మాతచే దర్శకత్వం వహించబడింది.

నెలోఫర్ ఈ సందర్బంగా మాట్లాడుతూ , “మన హైదరాబాద్ 1 నుండి 7 వరకు పాలించిన అసఫ్ జాహీ నిజాం వారసులు 9వ చట్టపరమైన హక్కుదారులు తమ రాజకుటుంబానికి అధిపతిగా తమ 9వ నిజాంగా అంగీకరించిన ఘనత రౌనక్ యార్ ఖాన్‌ను కలిగి ఉండటం మాకు గౌరవం అన్నారు

6వ నిజాం కళ సంస్కృతిని ప్రోత్సహించడంలో అగ్రగామిగా ఉన్నాడు నవాబ్ రౌనక్ అతని మనవడు కాబట్టి మా నాటకరంగ సృష్టిని ఆస్వాదించాడు నా తల్లి పుట్టిన హైదరాబాద్‌లో నా పనిని ప్రోత్సహించడానికి ముందుకు వచ్చారు అని అన్నారు “.

ఈ సందర్భంగా రౌనక్ మాట్లాడుతూ.. ”హైదరాబాద్‌లోని నెలోఫర్స్ పనిని కళను ఇష్టపడే హైదరాబాదీలందరికీ ఫేవర్‌గా ప్రోత్సహిస్తున్నందుకు నేను సంతోషిస్తున్నాను అన్నారు

రౌనక్ యార్ ఖాన్ ఢిల్లీలో కూడా మంచి ఆధారం కలిగి ఉన్నారు ,ఈ నెల 28న ఢిల్లీలోని మెరిడియన్ హోటల్‌లో మరో కార్యక్రమంలో కూడా పాల్గొననున్నారు . ఆయన,ప్రముఖ గాయని పద్మశ్రీ పెన్జా మసాని, మాధవి అద్వానీచే నిర్వహించబడే దేశవ్యాప్త మేధో వేదికను ఆవిష్కరిస్తారు.

తొమ్మిదవ నిజం తాజ్ ఫలక్‌నుమాలో టర్కీయే ప్రభుత్వం నిర్వహించే టర్కీ గణతంత్ర దినోత్సవ వేడుకల్లో కూడా పాల్గొంటారు.

Raunaq Yar Khan invited to witness the theatre play produced by Nelofar Currimbhoy in Delhi and is to promote her work in Hyderabad

Telugu super news,Hyderabad, October 26, 2023:Raunaq Yar Khan, 9th Nizam of the Asaf Jahi Dynasty attends a theatre performance “Ananda – Eyes of The Healer ”, produced by Nelofar Currimbhoy. She is a director of the company “Shahnaz Hussain Herbals ‘. She is the daughter of “Herbal Queen” Shehnaz Hussain. With the musical drama, Ananda-Eyes of the Healer, Nelofar Currimbhoy ventures into the world of theatre.

Nelofar Currimbhoy, author and daughter of herbal beauty empress, Shanaz Hussain, has penned a narrative that blends emotions, music and spirituality.

The show titled “Ananda – Eyes of The Healer” is a musical drama. It is directed by Muzaffar Ali, choreographed by Shivani Varma and narrated by Kabir Bedi. Together, they lend richness to the art of storytelling.

The 9th Nizam’s participation in the event was much more than mere participation. Nelofer also hails from the top nobility of Hyderabad and her great grandfather, Sir Afsar Ul Mulk was the Commander & Chief of the Hyderabad State Forces of the Asaf Jahi Nizams. Hyderabad is also the birthplace of her mother beauty queen Shehnaz Hussain.

The Play is exceptionally creative and has P.M. Modi’s office requested seats in a sold-out auditorium.

The play, “Ananda-the Eyes of the Healer” is performed in Delhi today with a celeb dinner after party at the iconic Golf Club and it goes on the 27th too. The play is Directed by a celebrated producer of the iconic film “UmraoJaan” including music similar to his historic movie.

Says Nelofer, “We are honoured to have His Excellency Raunaq Yar Khan, who the overwhelming majority of our Hyderabad 1 to 7 ruling Asaf Jahi Nizam’s descendants & legal claimants of the 9th have accepted as their 9th Nizam to head their royal family.

The 6th Nizam was foremost in promoting art and culture and Nawab Raunaq being his grandson has enjoyed our theatrical creation and has accepted to patronize and popularize my work in Hyderabad, a place I was away from through the nostalgic city of my mother’s birth”.

Speaking on this occasion Raunaq says: ” I’m excited promoting Nelofers work in Hyderabad as a favour to all art-loving Hyderabadis.

Raunaq Yar Khan is now reckoning in Delhi and also has another engagement on the 28th of this month at Meridian Hotel, Delhi. He and noted singer Padmashree Penza Masani will unveil a nationwide intellectual forum curated by Madhavi Advani.

Raunq will also participate in and grace celebrations of the Turkish Republic Day by the Govt of Turkiye at Taj Falaknuma.

LG India Launches “Life’s Good Nutrition Program” to Nourish Young Minds Nationwide

Telugu super news, National, October16th, 2023 :LG India, a leading consumer durables brand in the country, has taken a momentous step towards nurturing a healthier and brighter future for India’s youth. In a groundbreaking partnership with Akshaya Patra and Annapoorna Trust, LG India proudly unveils the “Life’s Good Nutrition Program,” an initiative aimed at ensuring the well-being and proper nutrition of school-going children in government schools across the nation. The “Life’s Good Nutrition Program” is set to encompass an impressive 808 schools, benefiting over 59,202 children.

The “Life’s Good Nutrition Program” will see LG India collaborate with an esteemed organization, Akshaya Patra, renowned for its outstanding efforts in providing nutritious meals to children, in Andhra Pradesh. One of the key facets of the program involves partnering with The Akshaya Patra Foundation, the implementing partner for the Government’s flagship programme, PM-POSHAN (formerly the Mid-Day Meal Scheme). The foundation has transformed the lives of millions by offering wholesome lunches to government & government-aided school children across the nation. Through this initiative, 3500 children will be benefited in Andhra Pradesh alone, fostering a brighter future for our young generation. LG India is not only striving to alleviate the immediate challenge of malnutrition but is also contributing to the overall cognitive and physical development of the nation’s future leaders.

Hong Ju Jeon, MD, LG Electronics India, expressed, “At LG, we believe that a brighter future begins with a healthy foundation. We are dedicated to assisting and backing the Government, and we have been aligning our CSR initiatives accordingly. Through the ‘Life’s Good Nutrition Program,’ we are taking concrete steps towards ensuring that every child has access to nutritious meals, enabling them to reach their full potential. We are proud to collaborate with Akshaya Patra in this noble journey.”

Previously, LG India had pledged to support India’s fight against hunger by supporting mid-day meals of 33,334 students across India to ensure nutrition and their right to education by partnering with The Akshaya Patra Foundation.

“సైక్లోథాన్” నిర్వహించిన కీసర పల్లవి ఇంటర్నేషనల్ స్కూల్

తెలుగు సూపర్ న్యూస్,డాట్ కామ్ ఆన్ లైన్ న్యూస్, అక్టోబర్ 7,2023: నేటి మారుతున్న జీవనశైలికీ వ్యాయామం, మానసిక ఆరోగ్యం ఎంతో ముఖ్యం. వ్యాయమంలో వాకింగ్, జాగింగ్ తరువాత సైకిలింగ్ ప్రాధాన్యత కలిగి వున్నది. ఈ విశిష్టతను గుర్తించి, పల్లవి ఇంటర్నేషనల్ స్కూల్, కీసర వారు శనివారం అక్టోబరు- 7న “సైక్లోథాన్” కార్యక్రమాన్ని నిర్వహించారు.

దీనిలో భాగంగా ఆసక్తి గల విద్యార్థులు, యువతీ యువకులు, విద్యార్థుల తల్లిదండ్రులకు 5k అండ్ 10k సైకిలింగ్ పోటీలు నిర్వహించారు. ఉత్తమ ప్రతిభ కనబరచిన విద్యార్థులకు నగదు బహుమతిని అంద చేసారు. ముందుగా రిజిస్ట్రేషన్ చేసుకున్న వారికి ఈ సైక్లోథాన్ లో అవకాశం కల్పించారు. సుమారు 500 మందికి పైగా చిన్నారులు, యువతీ యువకులు ఈ కార్యక్రమంలో రిజిస్ట్రేషన్ చేసుకొని పాల్గొనడం జరిగింది.

5 :30 నిమిషాలకు ప్రారంభమయిన ఈ కార్యక్రమంలో పాల్గొన్న ముఖ్య అతిథి కల్నల్ సంజయ్, అంకుర ఆసుపత్రి నుంచి డా. నవ్య, Mr.తెలంగాణ, జాతీయ బాడీ బిల్డర్ వాహిద్, డైరెక్టర్ సుశీల్ కుమార్ జెండా ఊపి కార్యక్రమాన్ని ప్రారంభించారు.

వ్యక్తిత్వ వికాసానికి మానసిక ఆరోగ్యం ముఖ్యమని, శారీరక ఆరోగ్యంతో దీనిని పొందవచ్చని వారు పేర్కొన్నారు. సైక్లోథాన్ తరువాత వార్మప్ ఎక్సర్సైజ్లు, జుంబాడాన్స్, యోగా నిర్వహించారు. యోగా చేయటం వలన శారీరక ఆరోగ్యం తో పాటు మానసిక ఆరోగ్యాన్ని పొందవచ్చని వారు పేర్కొన్నారు.

ఇంకా పల్లవి ఇంటర్నేషనల్ స్కూల్ ప్రిన్సిపాల్ శ్రీమతి గ్రెసిల్డా రోజ్, ఉపాధ్యాయినీ, ఉపాధ్యాయులు, సిబ్బంది ఈ పోటీ నిర్వహణలో పాల్గొన్నారు.

ఈ పోటీలో సైక్లోథాన్లో పాల్గొన్న వారికి అల్పాహారాన్ని, మంచినీటిని నిర్వాహకులు అందజేసారు.

ఈ కార్యక్రమంలో పాల్గొనడం తమకు ఆనందంతో పాటు ఆరోగ్యం పట్ల అవగాహనను కలుగ జేసిందని పలువురు పేర్కొనడం జరిగింది. ఈ సందర్భంగా సైక్లోథాన్ కార్యక్రమాన్ని నిర్వహించిన పల్లవి స్కూల్ యాజమాన్యాన్ని వారు అభినందించారు. పాఠశాల లోని పచ్చని, చల్లని వాతావరణం మధ్య ఈ కార్యక్రమం ఆహ్లాదకరంగా సాగింది.

Sensodyne partners with Indian Dental Association to honour dentists for their contribution to healthcare on World Dentist’s Day..

Telugu super news,Hyderabad,4th October 2023: Sensodyne, a leading oral care brand from the house of Haleon (erstwhile GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare) has partnered with Indian Dental Association (IDA) to recognize and celebrate the role of dentists in ensuring good oral health of their patients around World Dentist’s Day celebrated on 03rd October. To honour the role of these Oral Health experts in the dentist community, Sensodyne and IDA have co-created a first-of-its kind platform for dentists to discuss the latest in science of dentistry that would enable them to work towards superior patient outcomes. This platform was also utilized to felicitate the senior dentists for their stellar contributions to dentistry.

As a part of this initiative, multiple conclaves are being hosted across cities. The participants discussed key oral health issues, need for proactive health care and some of the most challenging cases they have handled. This helped in identifying common issues and exploring innovative solutions.

Dr. G Chandrasekhar, MDS and Orthodontist was felicitated at the event for his exceptional contribution to dentistry for the past 31 years. He was the former President of Indian Orthodontic Society from 2016-2017, Secretary of IDA Andhra Pradesh in 1992, and President IDA of Deccan branch twice.

Other senior dentists who attended the event were Dr. P. Karunakar, Principal, Paniniya College; Dr. K V Ramana Reddy, Principal, Malla Reddy College; Dr. Aditya Sandeep, MDS; Dr. Srilankanth, MDS and Dr. YS Reddy, MDS.

Expressing her thoughts on this partnership, Ms Anurita Chopra, Head of Marketing, India Subcontinent, Haleon, said, “Our mouth is the gateway to our entire body, making Oral health integral for our overall health. The role of dentists in our lives is extremely crucial to not just maintain long-term health, but also enable small joys that are possible, thanks to the good oral health that they enable. We are honoured to partner with the Indian Dental Association on this World Dentist’s Day and acknowledge to the invaluable contribution of dentists. We hope to raise awareness on the need for regular dental appointments, thus motivating people to prioritize their oral health and foster a healthier future for all.”

On this occasion, Dr Ashok Dhoble, Hon. Secretary General, Indian Dental Association said “IDA is committed to increasing the awareness of oral health in India. The mindset towards Oral Health needs to be moved from curative to preventive. This conclave is a step towards recognizing the efforts of our esteemed dentists for their contributions to the field of oral health. It is a testament to both Haleon and IDA’s commitment to servicing Indians by taking care of their oral health.”

As the leading sensitivity toothpaste brand, Sensodyne also celebrated the importance of dentists on this World Dentist’s Day by launching four short digital films which call them #DoctorsOfJoy. These films were showcased at the conference as well in the honour of the dentists.

A2 గేదె పాల ధరలను స్వల్పంగా సవరించిన సిద్స్ ఫార్మ్ A2 గేదె పాలు…

తెలుగు సూపర్ న్యూస్, హైదరాబాద్, ఆగస్ట్ 31, 2023: తెలంగాణకు చెందిన ప్రీమియం D2C డెయిరీ బ్రాండ్ అయిన సిద్స్ ఫార్మ్ , దాని A2 గేదె పాల రిటైల్ ధరను స్వల్పంగా పెంచుతున్నట్లు ప్రకటించింది. 500 ml పౌచ్‌లకు రూ. 60గా ఉన్న సవరించిన ధర 1 సెప్టెంబర్ నాటి సరఫరా కోసం కంపెనీ యాప్,ఇతర ఛానెల్‌లలో 31 ఆగస్టు 2023 నుండి అమలులోకి వస్తుంది. ఈ నిర్ణయం కంపెనీ అందించే ఇతర వేరియంట్‌లు, ఆవు పాల ధరలపై ప్రభావం చూపదు.

గేదె పాలు తగినంతగా సరఫరా కానందున A2 గేదె పాల ధరలు కొంతకాలంగా ఒత్తిడిలో ఉన్నాయి, తక్షణ ఉపశమనం,సంకేతాలు కనిపించలేదు. పాల సేకరణ ,ప్రాసెసింగ్ దశల్లో కంపెనీ పాటించిన కఠినమైన నాణ్యతా ప్రమాణాల కారణంగా ముడి గేదె పాల ఖర్చులు బాగా పెరగడాన్ని సిద్స్ ఫార్మ్ గమనించింది. సేకరణ వ్యయంలో పెరిగి నప్పటికీ, సిద్స్ ఫార్మ్ దాని విలువైన వినియోగదారుల కోసం కనీస స్థాయిలో మాత్రమే ధరలను సవరించింది.

సిడ్స్ ఫామ్ వ్యవస్థాపకుడు డాక్టర్ కిషోర్ ఇందుకూరి ఈ సంవత్సరం పాడి పరిశ్రమ ఎదుర్కొంటున్న ద్రవ్యోల్బణ సవాళ్లను గుర్తించారు. ఆయన మాట్లాడుతూ ” మా నాణ్యతతో కూడిన, నిజమైన కల్తీలేని యాంటీబయాటిక్ రహిత పాలను మాత్రమే సరఫరా చేసే మా నిరంతర ప్రయత్నాలకు కస్టమర్‌లు మద్దతు ఇస్తారని మేము భావిస్తున్నాము. ముడి పాల ధరల పెరుగుదలను పరిగణనలోకి తీసుకుంటే పరిశ్రమకు ఇది ఉత్తమ సమయాలలో ఒకటి కాకపోవచ్చు, కానీ మేము మా పాలపై ప్రతిరోజూ నిర్వహించే అనేక వేల పరీక్షలతో మా ప్రమాణాలను ఖచ్చితంగా అలాగే ఉంచుతాము ” అని అన్నారు.

A2 గేదె పాలలో A2 బీటా-కేసిన్ ప్రొటీన్ సమృద్ధిగా ఉంటుంది సిద్స్ ఫార్మ్ A2 గేదె పాలలో ప్రోటీన్, కొవ్వు, పోషకాలు, లాక్టోస్ అధిక స్థాయిలో ఉంటాయి. బరువు నిర్వహణ, శరీర కొవ్వు నియంత్రణలో ఇవి సహాయపడతాయి.

How to Tackle Pollen Season

Telugu super news, India, 19th August, 2023: In India, approximately 20 – 30% of the total population, suffer from at least one allergic disease and out of this, about 15% develop Asthma. Globally, having an allergy to pollen (also commonly known as hay fever) is one of the 10 most common allergies. 

But what is an allergy? It is a condition where the body’s immune system overreacts to a substance that is not typically harmful to your body. Substances that cause allergic reactions are called allergens. 

Pollen particles stuck to a strand of hair, seen under a microscope

Joanne Kang, Lead Research Scientist at Dyson, says: 

If your flare-ups of constant sneezing, a runny nose, watery eyes, and an itchy throat can be tied to certain seasons of the year, you potentially have a pollen allergy or sensitivity. It is a common misconception that the pollen season falls in spring. However, depending on your location and climate, different plants thrive and pollinate during different seasons and for varying durations. Hence, pollen can still be present all year round.”

While symptoms can be managed medically, understanding your allergy triggers enables you to better anticipate your allergy flare-ups and take precautions when necessary. 

Anticipate allergy flare-ups

Different types of pollen trigger reactions for different people – some people are allergic to tree pollen which is common in spring; others have a problem with grass pollen which is more of a summertime issue, while others have trouble with weed pollen which is common in the fall mid-September, when pollen levels peak, is particularly bad. 

Beyond the seasons, temperature, time of day, humidity, and rain affects pollen counts. Many plants release pollen early in the morning and when the weather is sunny and warm – these conditions are when pollen counts are likely to soar. 

Look for potential triggers in your home

With pollen spores being as small and lightweight as they are, and with the continuous air exchange between the indoor and outdoor environment, it is inevitable that outdoor dust particles such as pollen can be found in the house. Pollen particles can stick to one’s hair, clothes, and even pets and be brought into the home.

Stick to a cleaning routine

While most people clean their homes regularly, it is important to vacuum beyond just the floors. Pollen particles are extremely small and lightweight, meaning they can become airborne. Open windows mean airborne pollen can enter the home and stick to surfaces including window ledges and curtains. Soft furnishings, fabric covers, pillows, mattresses, sofas, and carpets amongst others can harbour pollen for months and impact one’s health and well-being even outside the peak pollen season.

The best way to reduce pollen allergy symptoms is to minimise your exposure to pollen allergens.  Vacuuming different surfaces in the home with a particular focus on upholstery and other neglected spots in the home regularly goes a long way in minimizing your exposure to pollen in the home. 

It is also recommended to vacuum in the absence of allergy sufferers and to use an air purifier to eliminate airborne pollen and allergens in the home Dyson’s latest range of Air purifiers are designed to capture a wide range of pollutants and allergens, including the smallest particles that can cause pollen allergies. 

How TaCa Healthcare’s unique offerings are reshaping elective secondary care surgery in India?

By Mr Abhinav Sharma- Co-Founder, TaCa Healthcare

Telugu Super news,August 17th,2023: TaCa Healthcare has arisen as a beam of light in the medical landscape today. Where high surgical care prices frequently prevent people from receiving necessary treatments, this healthtech startup is transforming the surgical care sector with its unique services. TaCa Healthcare is improving accessibility and affordability without sacrificing the quality of the treatment delivered by reinventing how surgical operations are performed.

Leveraging an amalgam of strategic partnerships, advanced technology, and patient-centric care, TaCa Healthcare is leading the charge in transforming the selective secondary care surgery landscape. Contributing to the industry the company believes in supporting the government health schemes and initiatives such as Ayushman Bharat Yojna etc.

Affordability at the Core
A firm commitment to affordability is at the core of TaCa Healthcare’s evolution. The excessive expenditure associated with traditional surgical treatments have long prevented countless individuals from receiving necessary medical care. By cutting surgery costs by an astonishing 60–70%, TaCa Healthcare has upended this narrative. Combining cutting-edge strategies, operational effectiveness, and collaborations with healthcare providers that share the same vision, it is possible to achieve this significant drop.

Strategic Partnerships
TaCa Healthcare’s approach involves partnering with a network of healthcare providers, ensuring that patients receive quality care while also benefiting from reduced costs. These collaborations enable the New Delhi-based startup to tap into existing healthcare infrastructures, optimizing resource utilization and streamlining all processes. This not only lowers the financial burden on patients but also enhances the overall healthcare experience.

Cutting-edge Technology
Another crucial aspect of TaCa Healthcare’s justifiably grand growth is their utilization of cutting-edge technology. By harnessing advanced medical tech, the startup aims to enhance the precision, efficiency, and effectiveness of all surgical care. This commitment to innovation is evident in their partnerships with state-of-the-art medical facilities that leverage the latest advancements to provide exceptional patient care.

Patient-Centric Approach
TaCa Healthcare’s evolution in the surgical care industry is underpinned by a firm dedication to patient-centric care. Every decision and initiative is guided by the principle of putting patients’ well-being and needs first. This approach ensures that despite the reduced costs, patients receive the same level of expertise, attention, and personalized care that they would under traditional healthcare models. The result is a healthcare experience that is not only affordable but also empathetic and tailored to individual needs.

At a Glance
TaCa Healthcare’s distinctive services are continuously and progressively reshaping the elective secondary care surgery environment in a sector that is frequently defined by high costs and restricted accessibility. TaCa Healthcare is widening access to high-quality surgical treatments for a broader demographic by modernizing the traditional approach through affordability, partnerships, advanced technology, and patient-centric care. This development paves the way for a future of healthcare that is both more inclusive and compassionate in addition to transforming individual lives.

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