Choosing between Natural Birth and C-section: Factors to Consider

Telugu super news, Hyderabad,February 20,2024:Bringing a new life into the world is a momentous occasion filled with anticipation andexcitement. As expectant parents prepare for the arrival of their little one, one of the mostsignificant decisions they face is choosing between natural birth and Cesarean section (C-section). Both methods of delivery have their own set of considerations, and making aninformed decision is paramount for the health and well-being of both the mother and thebaby.

In general, the majority of childbirths worldwide occur through natural vaginal delivery,accounting for approximately 75 to 90⁶% of deliveries. However, the rate of C-sections hasbeen steadily rising globally, reaching around 20 to 25% of all births. Understanding thesefactors is essential for expectant parents to make an informed decision that aligns with theiruniquecircumstancesand preferences.


One of the primary factors to consider when choosing between a natural birth and a C-section isthe medical condition of both the mother and the baby. Maternal health conditions such ashypertension, diabetes, or heart disease may influence the suitability of vaginal delivery.Similarly, obstetric complications such as Placenta Previa, contracted pelvic, fetal distress, orabreechpresentationmaynecessitate a C-section.

Consulting with healthcare providers, including obstetricians and midwives, is essential.They carefully evaluate the individual’s health condition and determine the safest deliverymethodforboth themotherandthebaby,aimingtominimize risks andcomplications.


Awomanwithapreviouschildbirthexperiencecansignificantlyimpactherdecisionregarding the method of delivery. Positive experiences with natural birth may lead to apreference for a vaginal delivery, while traumatic or complicated deliveries may promptconsideration of a C-section. Women who have undergone a C-section in the past mayconsidervaginalbirthafterCesarean(VBAC) after discussion with their healthcare providers and careful assessment of their suitability for VBAC.

It’s essential for expectant parents to reflect on their past experiences and discuss them withtheirhealthcare providersto make an informed decision.


Understanding the details and implications of the delivery process for both natural birth andC-section is crucial. Natural birth typically involves the onset of labour, progression throughdifferent stages of labour, and ultimately, the delivery of the baby through the birth canal. Itoften results in a shorter recovery time for the mother and promotes early bonding and


anaesthesia and involves incisions on the abdomen and uterus to deliver the baby. While C-sections may be necessary in cases of medical emergencies or complications, they generallyinvolvealongerrecoveryperiodandahigherriskofinfectioncomparedtovaginaldelivery.


In the realm of childbirth, personal preferences and birth plans serve as guiding beacons forexpectant parents navigating the intricate journey of bringing new life into the world. Someexpectant parents may have strong preferences for one method of delivery over the otherbased on cultural or emotional factors. It’s essential for them to openly communicate withtheirhealthcareprovidersabouttheirpreferencesandconcernstoensurethattheirbirthplanalignswiththeirwisheswhileprioritizingthehealthandwell-beingofbothmotherandbaby.These preferences encompass a spectrum of desires, intentions, and expectations unique toeach individual,shapingthetrajectoryof labour,delivery, andpostpartumcare.


Having a supportive birth team and access to resources such as childbirth education classesandprenatalsupportservicescanfacilitatethedecision-makingprocess.Childbirtheducationclassesprovideexpectantparentswithvaluableinformationaboutthechildbirthprocess,painmanagement techniques, and strategies for labour and delivery. Facilities for the provision of epidural, having a supportive partner or support person can provide emotionalandpracticalsupportthroughout labourand childbirth.


The psychological and emotional readiness of expectant parents is another critical factor toconsider when choosing between natural birth and C-section. Pregnancy and childbirth canevokearangeofemotions,includingexcitement,anxiety,andfear.It’sessentialforexpectantparents to explore their feelings and seek emotional support from their healthcare providers,familymembers, orsupportgroupsasneeded.

In conclusion, choosing between a natural birth and a C-section involves careful considerationofmedical, obstetric, personal, and emotional factors. Expectant parents should work closely with their healthcare providers to weigh the risks and benefits of each delivery method and make an informed decision that aligns with their preferences and circumstances. Addressing issues such as anxiety and alleviating fear helps in making positive choices. By prioritizing safety, well-being, and open communication, expectant parents can embark on their childbirth journey with confidence and peace of mind.

అత్తాపూర్‌లో ఎస్సేనుషియా సెలూన్ లాంజ్

ఫిబ్రవరి15,2024,హైద‌రాబాద్‌: హైద‌రాబాదీల‌కు స‌రికొత్త అనుభూతిని అందించేందుకు విలాస‌వంత‌మైన సెలూన్ అత్తాపూర్ లో ఎంట్రీ ఇచ్చేసిందని టెలివిజన్ ప్రొడ్యూసర్ కౌన్సిల్ అధ్యక్షుడు సీనియర్ జర్నలిస్ట్ మహమ్మద్ షరీఫ్ అన్నారు అంత‌ర్జాతీయ బ్రాండ్‌ల‌తో అందం, వ్య‌క్తిగ‌త సౌంద‌ర్యం, కేశ సంర‌క్ష‌ణలో సేవ‌లు అందించేందుకు ఎస్సెనుషీయా (ESSENTIA) సెలూన్ లాంజ్ అత్తాపూర్‌లో ఈనెల 16వ తేదీన చేవెళ్ల ఎంపీ రంజిత్ రెడ్డి ప్రారంభించనున్నారని ఆయన చెప్పారు ఇక్క‌డ హెయిర్ క‌టింగ్, స్టైలింగ్, క‌ల‌రింగ్, ఫేషియ‌ల్, చేతులను, పాదాల‌ను అందంగా తీర్చిదిద్దే ప‌ద్ద‌తి, స్కిన్ కేర్.. ఇలాంటి స‌ర్వీసులు స్త్రీ, పురుషుల‌కు అందిస్తున్నారు. అని ఆయన అన్నారు.

కొత్త టెక్నాల‌జీతో కూడిన‌ సెలూన్ ఇంటీరియ‌లర్‌లు, అధునాత‌న సీటింగ్, ఇటాలియ‌ను థీమ్ వంటివి క‌స్ట‌మ‌ర్‌ల‌కు ఎంతో అనుకూలంగా ఉంటాయి. అంతేకాదు సెలూన్లో నెయిల్ టెన్ష‌న్స్, జెల్ పాలిష్, రిఫిల్స్ వంటి అనేక సేవ‌ల‌ను అందిస్తున్నారు. స్నేహ‌పూర్వ‌క‌మైన వాతావ‌ర‌ణాన్ని క‌ల్పించ‌డంలో ఎస్సెనుషియా సిబ్బంది ముందుంటార‌ని ఎస్సెనుషియా యజమానురాలు శ్రీమతి స్వాతిరెడ్డి చెప్పారు.. కాఫీ లేదా జ్యూస్ తాగుతూ, ఆహ్లాద‌క‌ర‌మైన సంగీతం వింటూ ఎస్సెనుషియా స‌ర్వీసులు అందుకునే అవ‌కాశం ఇక్క‌డ మాత్ర‌మే లభిస్తుందని వర్ధమాన నటుడు సోహెల్ అన్నారు సాధారణంగా మగవాళ్ళు అందానికి ప్రాధాన్యం ఇవ్వరు కానీ త‌మ‌ సెలూన్ ను సందర్శించిన వాళ్ళు మరో పది మందికి చెప్పేలా త‌మ‌ సేవలుంటాయని చెప్పారు.

చిన్నచిన్న లోపాలు కూడా బయటకి కనిపించకుండా చేసేందుకు హెయిర్ బ్రష్, హెచ్‌డీ మేకప్ టెక్నిక్స్ ఉపయోగిస్తున్నారు అని సినీ టీవీ నటి సునీత అన్నారు స్పెష‌ల్ మేక‌ప్‌తో పెండ్లికూతురును అందాల రాణిగా తీర్చిదిద్దుతున్నట్లు ఆమె తెలిపారు. గోళ్లకు మెరుగులు, మీ గోళ్ల అందాన్ని ఇనుమడింపజేసేందుకు పెయింట్, డెకొరేట్ వంటి నెయిల్ ఆర్ట్ సేవలు ఇక్కడ లభిస్తున్నాయని ఆమె తెలిపారు.

Hair Up or Hair Down: Deepika Padukone’s hair game revealed

Telugu super news, february 9,2024: Nothing beats the feeling of a perfect hair day, and who better than the global star Deepika Padukone to share her top-notch hair game? The brand ambassador for Dyson’s hair care technologies, Deepika’s new rapid-fire Q&A video reveals her never-known hair styling secrets.

Sharing about her hair journey, Deepika Padukone said, “My relationship with my hair is a journey of self-expression and confidence. Well-styled, healthy hair defines a personal style statement. Therefore, hair styling should always include essential measures to protect them. I am often asked if I follow a strict regime with lots of products, and my response has always been – keep it simple. Keeping hairstyling simple and damage-free is a problem that Dyson’s haircare range has solved for me. Not only are the products an integral part of my haircare routine since I started using them, but they also help me create effortless styles without worrying about heat damage.”

It’s the hairstyle which makes or breaks the look

If given 15 minutes to get ready, what would one prefer – Breakfast or hair? For Deepika, it’s both! While a fabulous outfit and flawless makeup can undoubtedly elevate one’s appearance, she firmly believes that the right hairstyle holds the key to any look. She expressed, I feel like you can wear the most amazing clothes and have the most amazing makeup, but if you don’t get the hair right, it can literally make or break your look”.

Open Hair all the way

Yes, beautiful open hair is the go-to hairstyle for Deepika Padukone as it works both for the day and the evening. Open hairstyles compliment when you are attending a meeting or running errands and can be effortlessly transformed when the evening calls for dressing up. 

Hair up or hair down? 

It was certainly a difficult choice and Deepika Padukone prefers both. She elaborates, “It really depends on the look, on how I’m feeling, on what I’m wearing, on the occasion.” And, we can’t agree more. This is when the Dyson Airwrap TM Multi-styler comes to the rescue as its different attachments give you the freedom to create versatile hairstyles according to your outfit, mood and occasion. 

Favourite Styling Tool

Both Deepika and her glam team love the Dyson hair care range, especially the Dyson Supersonic™ hairdryer. “It dries my hair so fast within a couple of minutes and it doesn’t damage the hair at all,” she said.

Sharing her love for Dyson’s hair care range, she added, “Dyson has truly revolutionized the hair care industry. The brand’s ethos, which centers around innovation has pushed the boundaries of what’s possible in hair care technology with products like the Airwrap™ multi-styler. It is not only versatile but also convenient to get salon-like hairstyles at home without worrying about extreme heat damage.”

When asked if she has only 10 minutes pre-event how would she style her hair, Deepika shared, “I like to start with a heat protectant, choose a style that’s simple yet elegant and works efficiently with a blow dryer. It’s all about those finishing touches—whether it’s a sleek ponytail or loose waves—that add that touch of glam. The flyaway attachment of Dyson is a perfect way for finishing touches.”

The Dyson hair care range, backed by hair science is engineered to provide superior styles with limited exposure to extreme heat damage. The Dyson Supersonic™ hairdryer, for example, uses intelligent heat control to prevent heat damage, and its powerful airflow dries hair quickly and evenly.

69.3 mn pets are homeless in India: State of Pet Homelessness Project by Mars highlights the challenges facing pets today

Hyderabad, February 8th, 2024: A global coalition of animal welfare experts in partnership with Mars, released the results from the largest-ever international study on pet homelessness, today. The ambitious ‘State of Pet Homelessness Project’ sets out to understand the scale of pet homelessness in 20 markets, and factors that contribute to pets being on the streets or in shelters, shining a light on the needs of a sizable hidden population of pets.

The report reveals that 1 in 3 pets are homeless in the world, estimating almost 362 million pets are still waiting to find a home. The global average of homeless pets across 20 markets is pegged at 35% of the total dog and cat population.

The findings from India reveal a stark picture with 69% of all cats and dogs without a home. Most homeless pets (60.5 mn) in India are living on the streets, while others (8.8 mn) are in shelters waiting to find a home.

● 69.3 million (69%) cats and dogs are homeless in India, accounting for approximately 19% of the global homeless pet population;
● 60.5 million (71%) dogs live on the street or in shelters in India, accounting for approximately 39% of the global homeless dog population;
● 8.8 million cats live on the street or in shelters, accounting for 4.25% of the global homeless cat population;
● While adoption from shelters is still low, 53% respondents from urban and rural areas would recommend adopting from shelters in the future
● 47% and 28% respondents are thinking of becoming dog and cat pet owners respectively;
● Friends, relatives are the most popular route for getting pets in the country with (28%) of dogs and (30%) of cats coming from these sources;
○ 33% respondents from rural areas have adopted pets from friends, family
○ 32% respondents from urban areas rely on pet shops for bringing home a pet
In India, 2,565 experts were interviewed from urban (1,402) areas and rural (1,163) areas for the Project. The project also included interviews with pet professionals from nine metro and non-metro cities in the country.

Salil Murthy, Managing Director at Mars Petcare India, said: “The State of Pet Homelessness Report is a clarion call to address the urgent issue of pet homelessness, armed with compelling data and insights that guide us towards actionable solutions. Despite the current low shelter adoption rates in India, 53% of respondents are receptive to the idea of adopting pets from animal shelters in the future. This is an opportunity to strengthen the human-animal bond and encourage existing and potential pet parents to adopt. Our goal is to create a better world for pets in India so every pet can get the care and nutrition they deserve.

At Mars Petcare, we are raising awareness about pet adoption, forging partnerships with NGOs in the animal welfare space, and are keen on collaborating with stakeholders in the ecosystem to force-multiply our efforts. We are pioneering the integration of digital solutions and innovative models to significantly scale adoption through NGOs. We believe that adoption should be a part of our strategy to effectively manage and reduce the challenge of pet homelessness. Our mission is to galvanize the entire ecosystem—NGOs, communities, and pet parents—towards creating a more compassionate and inclusive world for pets.”

While each country has different challenges, the data in India reveals some distinct themes.

Prevent Unplanned Pets: Large populations of stray pets which can breed at a rapid rate are a huge part of the problem. One unsterilized homeless pet can quickly create many more. Reducing uncontrolled or unplanned breeding is a critical approach to decreasing pet homelessness.

Ensure Sustained Care: Helping to provide more homeless pets with responsible loving homes, or sustained human care they need in the community, is a foundational step in tackling pet homelessness. With 47% respondents considering bringing a dog home, and 28% considering bringing a cat home, getting more people interested in pet ownership and turning interest to action is crucial. It is interesting to note that the Project reveals approximately 13% of dog and cat owners found their pets on the street.

Keep Pets in Homes: Pets are lost more frequently than many may realize, leading to an unintended yet noteworthy increase in homeless pets. Pets are at risk of being homeless through abandonment or casual pet owning practices that lead pets to stray or become lost. While 9% respondents lost their pet dogs, a smaller percentage of 6% respondents lost their pet cats.

A concerning aspect that the Project revealed was that 38% of respondents said they were considering giving up pet ownership for dogs, while the percentage was higher at 57% for cat ownership. Encouraging pet owners to keep dogs in homes for the long term, through education and awareness building of responsible pet ownership, can have a significant impact on pet homelessness in India.

To mark the release of this data, Mars has made a $500,000 donation to Humane Society International to fund projects in India, South Africa and Mexico to make interventions informed by the data. These programs will deliver reproduction control, training and care for thousands of animals.

Alokparna Sengupta, Managing Director, Humane Society International/India said: “Across India, millions of dogs and cats are suffering on the streets and in shelters. HSI/India is thankful to our partner, Mars Petcare, for supporting our work to manage street dog populations humanely, provide medical care to dogs and cats in need, and ensure a peaceful coexistence between communities and street animals. HSI/India, through government supported animal birth control programs, works on the humane control of street dog populations.

The support from Mars helps aid our dog management efforts, including community engagement, enabling us to work hand in hand with local communities to create more peaceful environments across India for people and companion animals. With the invaluable support from Mars, in the last quarter of 2023 itself, we were able to provide treatment to more than 240 sick and injured street animals in Hubli-Dharwad, hold more than 100 workshops and meetings in many local communities and improve the welfare and surgical protocols for over 7,000 dogs coming in for spay and neuter surgeries. Given the magnitude of the issue, we are looking forward to scaling up our humane and inclusive approaches to improving dog and cat welfare in India.”

This builds on a significant history of work by Mars and its partners supporting almost 10 million vulnerable pets across the world over the last three years. Including donating more than 100 million meals to vulnerable pets, sterilizing over 30 thousand free-roaming animals, and providing over 100,000 pets with comprehensive preventive care, including wellness checks, preventive medicine and vaccinations.

నేచర్ క్యూర్ ,దాతృత్వం కు అందించిన ఆదర్శప్రాయమైన తోడ్పాటుకు పద్మభూషణ్‌ అందుకున్న సీతారాం జిందాల్..

తెలుగు సూపర్ న్యూస్,7 ఫిబ్రవరి, 2024: దాతృత్వం,ఆరోగ్య సంరక్షణ రంగాలలో విశిష్ట వ్యక్తి అయిన డాక్టర్ సీతారాం జిందాల్‌కు ప్రతిష్టాత్మక పద్మభూషణ్ పురస్కారం లభించింది. అతని అసమానమైన దాతృత్వ ప్రయత్నాలలో, ముఖ్యంగా నేచర్‌క్యూర్ రంగంలో ఆయన అందించిన ముఖ్యమైన తోడ్పాటుకు ఈ ప్రశంసలు ఆపాదించబడ్డాయి. డ్రగ్‌లెస్ థెరపీకి డా. జిందాల్ చేసిన అద్భుతమైన కృషి మరియు జిందాల్ నేచర్‌క్యూర్ ఇన్‌స్టిట్యూట్ (JNI) స్థాపన అతనికి ఈ గౌరవప్రదమైన గుర్తింపును తెచ్చిపెట్టాయి.

డాక్టర్ జిందాల్ యొక్క అవిశ్రాంత ప్రయత్నాలు ఔషధ రహిత వైద్య రంగాన్ని గణనీయంగా ప్రభావితం చేశాయి. ఉబ్బసం, మధుమేహం, రక్తపోటు, కీళ్ళనొప్పులు మరియు కొన్ని రకాల క్యాన్సర్ కేసులతో సహా వివిధ వ్యాధుల చికిత్సలో ప్రత్యేకత కలిగిన ప్రపంచ-స్థాయి సదుపాయంగా JNIని ఆయన తీర్చిదిద్దారు. 550 పడకలను కలిగి ఉన్న ఈ సంస్థ, తమ ఆరోగ్య సమస్యల కోసం ఔషధ రహిత ప్రత్యామ్నాయాలను కోరుకునే వారికి ఆశాజ్యోతిగా మారింది.

JNIతో పాటుగా, డాక్టర్ జిందాల్ అనేక స్వచ్ఛంద కార్యక్రమాలను నిర్వహించారు, ఇందులో అల్లోపతి ఆసుపత్రులు, పాఠశాలలు మరియు కళాశాలల స్థాపన, గ్రామీణాభివృద్ధి కార్యక్రమాలు, ఆరోగ్య సంరక్షణ మరియు విద్య కోసం గ్రామాలను దత్తత తీసుకోవడం, వివిధ NGOలకు మద్దతు అందించటం వున్నాయి.

అతని దార్శనిక నాయకత్వానికి మరియు అపారమైన సహకారానికి గుర్తింపుగా, డాక్టర్ జిందాల్ మాజీ ప్రధానులు అటల్ బిహారీ వాజ్‌పేయి, చంద్రశేఖర్, I.K. గుజ్రాల్, హెచ్.డి. దేవెగౌడ, ఉప ప్రధాని దేవీలాల్, కర్ణాటక మాజీ ముఖ్యమంత్రి రామకృష్ణ హెగ్డేతో సహా ప్రముఖుల నుండి ప్రశంసలు అందుకున్నారు.

డా. సీతారాం జిందాల్ జీవితం మరియు పని, వ్యాపార విజయం మరియు మానవాళికి కారుణ్య సేవ యొక్క సామరస్య సమ్మేళనాన్ని సూచిస్తుంది. నేచర్‌క్యూర్ మరియు దాతృత్వం పట్ల అతని అంకితభావం ఆరోగ్య సంరక్షణ మరియు సామాజిక సంస్కరణల ప్రకృతి దృశ్యంపై చెరగని ముద్ర వేసింది, తద్వారా ఆయనను పద్మభూషణ్‌కు అర్హులుగా మార్చింది.


Telugu super news,Bengaluru, 7th February 2024: Dr. Sitaram Jindal, a distinguished figure in the realms of philanthropy and healthcare, has been bestowed with the prestigious Padma Bhushan, eliciting widespread excitement throughout India. The accolade is attributed to his significant role in his unparalleled philanthropic endeavors, particularly in the field of Naturecure. Dr. Jindal’s groundbreaking contributions to drugless therapy and the establishment of the Jindal Naturecure Institute (JNI) have earned him this esteemed recognition.

Born in 1932 in the remote village of Nalwa in Haryana, Dr. Jindal’s journey towards Naturecure began during his university years when he battled abdominal tuberculosis. Faced with a seemingly incurable condition, he sought refuge in a small Naturecure clinic, experiencing relief through fasting, enemas, and other unconventional methods. This transformative experience sparked his unwavering faith in Naturecure and Yoga.

Driven by a vision to establish a comprehensive Naturopathy and Yoga hospital, Dr. Jindal acquired a vast expanse of land on the outskirts of Bangalore in 1977-79. This marked the inception of JNI, equipped with a research wing funded generously by Jindal Aluminium Limited (JAL), demonstrating Dr. Jindal’s commitment to elevating Naturecure to new heights.

In stark contrast to conventional Naturecure treatments prevalent at the time, Dr. Jindal embarked on a mission to modernize and innovate this science. Recognizing the lack of enthusiasm and development in orthodox Naturecure practices, he dedicated himself to uplifting and promoting drugless therapies. The SJ Foundation, founded in 1969, became a financial pillar for his charitable initiatives, relying solely on contributions from JAL, without seeking support from the government or other individuals.

Dr. Jindal’s tireless efforts have significantly impacted the field of drugless healing, establishing JNI as a world-class facility specializing in the treatment of various ailments, including asthma, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, and even some cases of cancer. The institute, boasting 550 beds, has become a beacon of hope for those seeking drug-free alternatives for their health concerns.

In addition to JNI, Dr. Jindal has championed numerous charitable activities, showcasing his commitment to social reform. This includes the establishment of allopathy hospitals, schools, and colleges, rural development initiatives, adoption of villages for healthcare and education, and support for various NGOs working tirelessly in healthcare and education.

Dr. Jindal’s philanthropic endeavors extend beyond Naturecure, encompassing the establishment of eight charitable entities in his native village, Nalwa, benefitting a significant population in the surrounding areas. His dedication to social welfare is further evident in his support for underprivileged students through scholarships and the financial backing of NGOs committed to healthcare and education.

The impact of Dr. Jindal’s work goes beyond the walls of JNI. His holistic approach to health, emphasizing Naturopathy and Yoga, has transformed the lives of millions globally. His commitment to preventive care and raising awareness about the side effects of drugs aligns with his belief that Naturopathy can significantly alleviate the burden on allopathic hospitals.

Throughout his journey, Dr. Jindal has introduced numerous innovations and therapies, addressing a spectrum of health issues. From simplified abdomen packs to herbal teas, spinal bath tubs, and cold and hot reflexology tracks, his contributions have expanded the repertoire of Naturecure treatments.

In acknowledgment of his visionary leadership and immense contributions, Dr. Jindal has received accolades from eminent personalities, including former Prime Ministers Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Chandrashekar, I.K. Gujral, H.D. Deve Gowda, Deputy Prime Minister Devi Lal, and former Chief Minister of Karnataka Ramakrishna Hegde.

Dr. Jindal’s relentless pursuit of the betterment of society extends beyond healthcare. He has been a vocal advocate for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), urging industrialists to allocate a portion of their profits to eliminate poverty. His ongoing struggle with the government to increase the mandated CSR percentage reflects his unwavering commitment to social welfare.

Dr. Sitaram Jindal’s life and work epitomize a harmonious blend of business success and compassionate service to humanity. His dedication to Naturecure and philanthropy has left an indelible mark on the landscape of healthcare and social reform, making him a deserving recipient of the Padma Bhushan.

For more details:

Eminent Personalities Speak

Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Former Prime Minister of India: The 10 days I spent at Jindal Institute of Naturopathy will always glitter like a bright star on the canvas of my memories. Naturecure can be considered as a better system compared to other branches of medicine since drugs are not used to eliminate disease. I congratulate Dr. Sitaram Jindal for establishing this Institute.
Shri Chandrashekar, Former Prime Minister of India: I am grateful to my friend Viren Shah, who compelled me and Piloo Modi to come to this Institute where we would see for ourselves the excellent work being done in the service of mankind. I am glad that Shri Sitaram Jindal has taken up this project. He deserves our congratulations. I wish him well.

I.K. Gujral, Former Prime Minister of India: Both my wife and I have spent a very memorable 3 weeks here that have transformed our views about the applicability of naturopathy and yoga to everyday life. Our stay has done us immense good. Shri S.R. Jindal’s gift to the nation in the form of this institution marks him as a man of vision, dedication and commitment to human values.

H.D.Deve Gowda, Former Prime Minister of India: I have known Dr.Sitaram Jindal for over two decades as an Industrialist and philanthropist doing yeoman service for the rural poor. His services have been widely acclaimed by the villagers who are grateful to him in the areas of education, health, drinking water supply etc. He went ahead to do more by establishing the Institute of Naturopathy at Bangalore, a modern drugless naturopathy hospital as well as many other charitable entities plus more.

Devi Lal, Former Deputy Prime Minister of India: Situated in beautiful sylvan surroundings, the Institute of Naturopathy provides much-needed relief both to the body and mind. I was highly benefited during my stay of 15 days. Shri Sitaramji is rendering yeoman service to humanity for its betterment.

Ramakrishna Hegde, Former Chief Minister of Karnataka: I religiously come to the Institute once a year and stay for 10 days. I have been doing this for the last eleven years. This is the best of such Institutes anywhere in the world. Situated in an ideal environment, it has all the facilities – both traditional and modern. Shri Sitaram Jindal who has built this unique Institute deserves rich compliments.

IISc Signs MoU with Wipro GE Healthcare to Advance MedTech Innovation from India – for India and the World

Telugu super news,India, 2024: Wipro GE Healthcare, a leading global medical technology, diagnostics, and digital solutions innovator today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), India’s premier research institution, for a pioneering alliance to advance healthcare innovation, research, and technology development in India. This collaboration aims to take a comprehensive approach in solving the care gap by addressing the full lifecycle that includes co-developing solutions, validating the technologies, and manufacturing them locally to bring them to the market. With the impending commencement of the Bagchi-Parthasarathy Hospital & IISc Medical School, this strategic collaboration will enable translation of technologies from bench to bedside.

According to World Health Organisation Report 2018, “Globally, Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) accounted for 71% of total deaths. In India, NCDs were estimated to account for 63% of all deaths, and cancer was one of the leading causes (9%).” This industry-academia collaboration aims to advance indigenous innovation and manufacturing of MedTech products that meets the needs of both global and local patients suffering from NCDs including cancer, cardiology, and neurology in line with the agenda of ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’.

The collaboration will entail co-development initiatives in the areas of basic and applied science, systems engineering, product & software development, consultancy, publications, academic studies, internships, fellowships, and training. IISc and GE HealthCare will constitute a joint working committee, comprising representatives from both sides, for research around product and solution development. 

Govindan Rangarajan, Director, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), said, “We see a tremendous need for innovative R&D that can improve outcomes in patients with NCD. The collaboration will emphasise combining science and engineering with translational & clinical research to epitomize “bench-to-bedside” innovation. GE HealthCare is the right partner for us in this initiative, given their leadership and strong footprint in India for R&D and manufacturing. We are confident that together, we can accelerate India’s position as a global force for healthcare for the world.”  

Chaitanya Sarawate, Managing Director, Wipro GE Healthcare and President & CEO, GE HealthCare South Asia, said, “India today is at an inflection point, with a potential to become the hub for the world. IISc is a premier educational institute engaged in technical education, basic and applied research, innovation, entrepreneurship, and industrial consultancy and GE HealthCare is a world leader in MedTech with strategic R&D and manufacturing footprint in India. This is a strategic collaboration that combines the strengths, capabilities, and local infrastructure of both entities. Our aim together is to invest in technologies of the future that can revolutionize the care paradigm – with more precise, connected, and compassionate care to patients in India and worldwide.”

The collaboration aligns with the Indian Government’s emphasis on fostering local Research and Development (R&D) and Manufacturing in the MedTech sector, necessitating Public-Private Partnership (PPP) models to further drive technology development. Collaborative efforts by both the entities will be deployed for product development and clinical research, improving indigenization of manufacturing and academic activities to strengthen the healthcare ecosystem.

మల్టిపుల్ స్క్లెరోసిస్ పై పుస్తకాన్ని రాసిన హైదరాబాద్‌కు చెందిన రెమెడియల్ అధ్యాపకురాలు ఫరీదా రాజ్

హైదరాబాద్, జనవరి 12, 2024:హైదరాబాద్‌లోని ప్రధాన స్రవంతి ఉపాధ్యాయురాలు, రెమెడియల్ అధ్యాపకురాలిగా మారిన ఫరీదా రాజ్ అంతగా తెలియని వ్యాధి మల్టిపుల్ స్క్లెరోసిస్ (MS) పై “అన్‌బ్రేకబుల్ స్పిరిట్” అనే ఆంగ్ల పుస్తకాన్ని రచించింది. ఇది భారతదేశంలో వైద్య లేదా వైద్యేతర వ్యక్తి రాసిన మొట్టమొదటి పుస్తకం. మల్టిపుల్ స్క్లెరోసిస్ (MS) (అనేక రకాలుగా రక్తనాళాలు గట్టిపడడం) అనేది మెదడు, వెన్నెముక, కళ్ళ నరాలను దెబ్బతీసే ఓ దీర్ఘకాల వ్యాధి. ఈ నెలాఖరులో పుస్తకం విడుదల కానుంది.

సరైన రోగనిర్ధారణ, సకాలంలో చికిత్స, సంరక్షణ, మద్దతుతో చాలా మంది వ్యక్తులు సుదీర్ఘమైన, చురుకైన మరియు ఆరోగ్యకరమైన జీవితాలను గడపవచ్చని ప్రజలకు తెలియజేయడం రచయిత చెప్పిన పుస్తకం యొక్క లక్ష్యం. ఇది వ్యాధి గురించి అవగాహన కల్పించే ఏకైక లక్ష్యంతో సులభంగా చదవగలిగే మరియు అనుసరించే ఫార్మాట్‌లో సామాన్యుల ప్రయోజనం కోసం ఆంగ్లంలో అందుబాటులోకి తెస్తున్న పుస్తకం ఇది .

మల్టిపుల్ స్క్లెరోసిస్ (MS)తో బాధపడుతున్న వ్యక్తులను ఎదుర్కొన్నప్పుడు ఫరీదా రాజ్ ప్రయాణం ఊహించని మలుపు తిరిగింది. ఈ ఎన్‌కౌంటర్ అంతగా తెలియని ఈ వ్యాధిపై వెలుగు నింపాలనే ఆమె అభిరుచిని పెంచింది. “అన్‌బ్రేకబుల్ స్పిరిట్: నావిగేటింగ్ లైఫ్ విత్ ఎంఎస్,” పుస్తకం, పరిస్థితి వల్ల ప్రభావితమైన వారి జీవితాలను అర్థం చేసుకోవడానికి నిదర్శనంగా నిలుస్తుంది.

ఈ పుస్తకం పాఠకులను మల్టిపుల్ స్క్లెరోసిస్‌తో జీవించే ప్రపంచంలోకి అంతర్దృష్టితో కూడిన ప్రయాణాన్ని ఆహ్వానిస్తుంది. ఇది MS యొక్క చిక్కులను, దాని ప్రాథమిక అంశాల నుండి వివిధ జీవిత దశలు మరియు సంబంధాలపై దాని తీవ్ర ప్రభావాల వరకు పరిశోధిస్తుంది. MS యొక్క ప్రాథమిక అంశాలు, యువతపై దాని ప్రభావం, సంబంధాలు, పేరెంట్‌హుడ్ మరియు భయాలను ఎదుర్కోవడంలో సవాళ్లను అన్వేషించే అధ్యాయాలతో, ఈ పుస్తకం MS యొక్క భౌతిక, భావోద్వేగ మరియు మానసిక కోణాలపై సమగ్ర దృక్పథాన్ని అందిస్తుంది.

హృదయపూర్వక కథనాలు మరియు వ్యక్తిగత అనుభవాల ద్వారా, రచయిత MS తో నివసిస్తున్న వారు ఎదుర్కొనే పోరాటాలు మరియు విజయాలపై వెలుగునిచ్చారు, అలాగే ఈ ప్రయాణంలో సంరక్షకుల కీలక పాత్ర. పాఠకులు ప్రతి పేజీని తిప్పినప్పుడు, వారు విలువైన అంతర్దృష్టులు, ఆచరణాత్మక సలహాలు మరియు MS యొక్క సవాళ్లను నావిగేట్ చేయడానికి వ్యక్తులను శక్తివంతం చేసే సంఘం యొక్క భావాన్ని వెలికితీస్తారు. పుస్తకం అవగాహనను పెంపొందించడమే కాకుండా, పరిస్థితి యొక్క పరిమితులకు మించి విస్తరించే సహాయక మరియు సానుభూతిగల నెట్‌వర్క్‌ను నిర్మించడంలో మార్గదర్శకత్వాన్ని కూడా అందిస్తుంది.

“అన్బ్రేకబుల్ స్పిరిట్ పుస్తకం MS ఉన్న వ్యక్తులకు, వారి ప్రియమైనవారికి మరియు ప్రతికూల పరిస్థితులలో మానవ ఆత్మ యొక్క స్థితిస్థాపకత గురించి లోతైన అవగాహనను కోరుకునే ఎవరికైనా ఒక ఆశాజ్యోతిగా నిలుస్తుంది. ఇది జ్ఞానం, కరుణ మరియు ఐక్యత యొక్క శక్తికి నిదర్శనం. సంక్లిష్టమైన పరిస్థితి ద్వారా ఎదురయ్యే సవాళ్లను అధిగమించడం, చివరికి ధనిక, మరింత అనుసంధానిత జీవితం వైపు మార్గాన్ని ప్రకాశిస్తుంది.

ఫరీదా అనేక కోణాలు కలిగిన మహిళ. ఆమె నిశ్శబ్దంగా సమాజం కోసం చాలా ప్రభావవంతమైన పని చేసింది. ఫరీదా మల్టిపుల్ స్క్లెరోసిస్ సొసైటీ ఆఫ్ ఇండియా-హైదరాబాద్ చాప్టర్ (MSSI) ఎగ్జిక్యూటివ్ కమిటీ మెంబర్‌గా పనిచేస్తున్నారు. ఈ లాభాపేక్ష లేని సంస్థ మల్టిపుల్ స్క్లెరోసిస్ బారిన పడిన వ్యక్తుల సంక్షేమం కోసం పనిచేస్తుంది మరియు MSIF (మల్టిపుల్ స్క్లెరోసిస్ ఇంటర్నేషనల్ ఫెడరేషన్)తో అనుబంధంగా ఉంది.

మల్టిపుల్ స్క్లెరోసిస్ (MS) అనేది కేంద్ర నాడీ వ్యవస్థ [CNS]ని ప్రభావితం చేసే దీర్ఘకాలిక నాడీ సంబంధిత రుగ్మత. ఇది చాలా కుటుంబాల జీవితాల్లో వినాశనం సృష్టించే సంభావ్య వికలాంగ వ్యాధి.

పాశ్చాత్య దేశాలలో దీని ప్రాబల్యం ఎక్కువగా ఉన్నప్పటికీ, ఇప్పుడు భారతదేశంలో ఈ కేసులు పెరుగుతున్నాయి. లక్ష జనాభాకు ఎనిమిది నుంచి తొమ్మిది మంది ఎంఎస్‌తో బాధపడుతున్నారని అంచనా. భారతదేశంలో దాదాపు 2.5 లక్షల మంది వ్యాధి భారం పడుతున్నారు. అవగాహన లేమి కారణంగా చాలా మందికి వ్యాధి నిర్ధారణ జరగకపోవడంతో, పేర్కొన్న దాని కంటే ఈ సంఖ్య ఎక్కువగా ఉంటుందని అంచనా వేయబడింది. మనీష్ సిసోడియా భార్య ప్రస్తుతం మల్టిపుల్ స్క్లెరోసిస్‌తో బాధపడుతున్న ప్రముఖ వ్యక్తి. తెలుగు రాష్ట్రాల్లో దాదాపు 200 మంది MS రోగులు హైదరాబాద్‌లోని MS సొసైటీలో నమోదు చేసుకున్నారు.

MS అనేది ఆటో ఇమ్యూన్ వ్యాధి. ఈ పరిస్థితి గురించి ప్రజలకు అవగాహన తక్కువగా ఉంది. చాలా మందికి తెలియని విషయం ఏమిటంటే, సరైన రోగ నిర్ధారణ, సకాలంలో చికిత్స, సంరక్షణ మరియు మద్దతుతో చాలా మంది వ్యక్తులు సుదీర్ఘమైన, చురుకైన మరియు ఆరోగ్యకరమైన జీవితాలను గడపవచ్చు.

ముంబైకర్ అయిన ఫరీదా రాజ్ హైదరాబాద్‌కు మకాం మార్చారు (రంజీ క్రికెటర్ మరియు కపిల్ దేవ్ సమకాలీనుడైన విజయ్ మోహన్ రాజ్‌తో వివాహం తర్వాత) మరియు గత 41 సంవత్సరాలుగా హైదరాబాద్‌ను తన నివాసంగా మార్చుకుంది.

ఫరీదా స్పెసిఫిక్ లెర్నింగ్ డిఫికల్టీస్ (SLDs) ఏరియా లో చాలా పని చేసింది. గతంలో, ఆమె పిల్లల అభ్యాస ప్రయాణాలకు మద్దతు ఇవ్వడంలో ఉపాధ్యాయులు మరియు తల్లిదండ్రులు ఇద్దరికీ సాధికారత కల్పించే లక్ష్యంతో ఈ అంశంపై బ్రేకింగ్ త్రూ, అండర్‌స్టాండింగ్ లెర్నింగ్ డిఫికల్టీస్ మరియు స్ట్రగులింగ్ మైండ్స్ అనే మూడు తెలివైన పుస్తకాలను రచించారు. IGNOU మరియు RCI నిర్వహించిన B.Ed స్పెషల్‌కు ఆమె విస్తృతంగా సహకరించారు.

ప్రధానంగా ఉర్దూ చదివే మహిళలకు సమాచారంలో అంతరాన్ని గమనించిన ఫరీదా స్త్రీల పునరుత్పత్తి మరియు మానసిక ఆరోగ్యంపై తన దృష్టిని మరల్చింది. ఆమె ఉర్దూ భాషలో హమారీ సెహత్ కి జమీన్, ZAVIYE ZINDAGI KE మరియు IZTRAB- e- ZINDAGI అనే మూడు పుస్తకాలను వ్రాసి, మహిళల శ్రేయస్సు యొక్క కీలకమైన అంశాలను ప్రస్తావిస్తూ వ్యాసాలు రాసింది.ఫరీదా రాజ్ తన ప్రభావవంతమైన పనికి గుర్తింపు పొందారు మరియు తెలంగాణ రాష్ట్ర ప్రభుత్వం ఉర్దూ అకాడమీ నుండి లైఫ్ టైమ్ అచీవ్‌మెంట్ అవార్డుతో సత్కరించారు.

ఆమె సాహిత్య రచనలకు అతీతంగా, Garida ఒక సర్టిఫైడ్ RE & CBT మరియు NLP ప్రాక్టీషనర్, పిల్లలు, కౌమారదశలు మరియు తల్లిదండ్రులకు మానసిక సలహాలను అందిస్తోంది. ఆమె క్రాఫ్ట్ కౌన్సిల్ ఆఫ్ తెలంగాణ యొక్క చురుకైన జీవిత సభ్యురాలు మరియు “బ్రేక్ ద సైలెన్స్” అనే NGO సభ్యురాలిగా బాలల రక్షణ కోసం న్యాయవాది.

Tata Play Binge unlocks boundless sports entertainment with the addition of FanCode

●       Through FanCode, Tata Play Binge users will be able to access more than 15 different sports and get access to top class events from across the globe including the Carabao Cup, African Cup of Nations, Copa Del Rey, MLB, Volleyball Nations League, Dream11 Super Smash amongst others.

Adding another avenue to feed India’s growing demand for sports consumption, Tata Play Binge – India’s largest OTT aggregation platform, announced the inclusion of India’s premier sports destination platform, FanCode to its array of 25+ other popular OTT apps. This marks the platform’s first sports-led addition to its offering, solidifying Tata Play Binge’s position as the ultimate destination for comprehensive and diverse entertainment. With this development, users will now have access to unlimited LIVE sports content featuring championships of cricket, football, kabaddi, basketball, volleyball, baseball and rugby.

A subsidiary of Dream Sports, India’s leading Sports Technology company, FanCode will embark viewers on an unparalleled journey into the world of sports entertainment. The platform has streamed over 550 tournaments and more than 18,000 matches, redefining the boundaries of viewer experience.

Users will get to revel in exclusive championships like the Dream11 Super Smash, Carabao Cup, Tamil Nadu Premier League, Bangladesh Premier League and the exhilarating Yuva Kabaddi Series, alongside 50 other sports events that bring the fervor of competitions to the forefront. Additionally, they will also get to watch all the cricketing action from the West Indies including the Caribbean Premier League, the dynamism of Major League Baseball, the intensity of the Volleyball Nations League.

Commenting on the new partnership, Tata Play’s Chief Commercial and Content Officer, Pallavi Puri, said, “Tata Play Binge’s rich tapestry of content has been very diverse and inclusive towards every genre of content. Be it international OTT platforms or region focused content, the 25+ apps on Tata Play Binge has something for everyone. We look at entertainment from a very wholistic lens which helps us build experiences for all kinds of viewers. With the addition of FanCode, we will be strengthening the sports viewing community, giving them ample entertainment choices to be engaged with throughout the year.”

Yannick Colaco, co-founder, FanCode, said, “This is an exciting chapter for us at FanCode. As we actively seek to connect with new users and propel our growth, the partnership with Tata Play Binge is a significant milestone. Millions of new users will now be able to access FanCode and watch their favourite sports content from around the globe, at their convenience.”

FanCode will join other popular OTT platforms on Tata Play Binge like Disney+ Hotstar, Apple TV+, ZEE5, Fuse+, Hallmark, MX Player, Lionsgate Play, Aha, VROTT, Sun NXT, ReelDrama, Chaupal, Namma Flix, Planet Marathi, manoramaMAX, iStream, Tarang Plus, Hungama Play, ShemarooMe, Curiosity Stream, EPIC ON, Travelxp, DocuBay, ShortsTV, Playflix, KliKK along with Gaming.

Content from all these platforms is available to the viewers of Tata Play Binge through a single subscription and a single user interface. Additionally, Netflix can be availed as an ad-on for only Tata Play DTH subscriber whereas Amazon Prime Video content can be accessed by anyone who has the Tata Play Binge subscription.

Viewers can enjoy all 25+ apps across all devices like smartphones, smart TVs, desktops, laptops and tablets, along with large-screen connected devices through Tata Play Binge+ Android Set Top Box, Tata Play edition of the Amazon FireTV Stick and

Niva Bupa Health Insurance Introduces “Aspire”, a product for Young India

India  2023:  Niva Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited (Formerly known as Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited) one of India’s leading standalone health insurers, has introduced its latest product, Aspire focusing on Gen Z and millennials. Addressing the unique needs and aspirations of the Gen Z and millennial segment, this product has forward-thinking approach to health insurance.

According to the last (fifth) edition of National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5), the data of which pertains to the period between 2019-21, only 30 per cent of women aged 15-49 and 33 per cent of men in the age group were covered by health insurance or a health scheme.

While several government initiatives as well as steps taken by private insurers are working towards ensuring adequate health coverage to the larger population of the country, this segment of our population whom we typically qualify as ‘Young Indians’ is still largely not covered by health insurance.

The youngsters today are conscious of their health and invest their time, money and energy to stay fit and in shape. However, when it comes to health insurance purchase to secure their health as well as finances in case of a medical emergency, they don’t feel the pressing need to do so while they are young and less susceptible to needing hospitalization.

In addition to Lock the Clock benefit which lets customer pay as per the entry-age until the first claim and Booster+ which lets customer carry forward the unutilized base sum insured up to 10X, Aspire has been launched with several additional industry-first benefits to especially appeal to this customer segment.

The product incentivizes customers for ‘starting young’ and offers comprehensive parenthood benefit called M-iracle which covers all expenses related to maternity including IVF treatment, surrogacy and more. It provides coverage for antenatal check-ups, gynecologist consultations and other tests, vaccines for the expecting mother, delivery charges – normal or caesarean section as well as delivery by surrogate mother. It also covers adoption charges.

The maternity sum insured available to the customer is dependent the base sum insured plan he/she opts for and keeps adding to the coverage every year up to 10X, since the unused maternity sum insured accumulates as per booster+ benefit. For example, for a 10 lakh base sum insured plan the maternity sum insured available would be Rs 12,000 for the first year, and if no claim is paid, this will become INR 24,000 for the second year, INR 36,000 for the third year and so on.

The maternity sum insured for a one-year policy can go up to Rs 25,000 for a 50 lakh/ 1 Crore plan. The customer can use the accumulated maternity sum insured for maternity related expenses at any time during his policy term either in full or in parts, post the completion of applicable waiting periods. The Plan is introduced with a minimum waiting period of 9 months. In this plan, post maternity, the new born baby too will be covered from day 1 and the plan will provide the new born baby guaranteed issuance.

Some other industry-first benefits in Aspire include:

Future Ready – This benefit will ensure that the future spouse is provided protection from Day 1. If the customer opts for this optional benefit, all waiting periods served by the customer will be passed on to his/her spouse as well. This means that the waiting periods will now be applicable at policy level and not on individual/member level. The future spouse will not need to serve all waiting periods from the start! Moreover, the benefit provides guaranteed issuance to the Future spouse.

Fast Forward – If insured takes multi-year policy and opts for this optional benefit, the combined total base sum insured for 2/3 years will be available to him/her in the first year itself. This benefit is not only applicable on the base sum insured but also on the maternity sum insured. So for example, if a customer takes 10 lakh base sum insured policy providing maternity sum insured of 12,000 for a tenure of 3 years, with fast-forward benefit he will have the base sum insured of 30 lakh and maternity sum insured of 36,000 available to him from Day 1.

Cash-Bag – Accumulate cashback on every claim free renewal in the policy, which can be used to pay the renewal premium, deductibles / co-payment or OPD expenses.

Aspire covers for treatment outside India as well, both with or without co-payment options. It gives customers customized options to select the co-payment limit and get treatment outside India for emergencies or planned inpatient treatments.

Commenting on the launch of Aspire, Dr. Bhabatosh Mishra, Director, Underwriting, Products and Claims, Niva Bupa Health Insurance, said, ” Acknowledging the alarming lack of coverage of the young population in our country, we conceptualized Aspire with the intent to bring about a change in how people in this segment perceive and utilize health insurance.

Aspire stands as a testament to our commitment to innovation, customer-centricity, and the continuous evolution of our offerings to meet the ever-changing demands of the consumer. Each aspect of this product has been meticulously crafted to ensure that every customer is not just covered but comprehensively protected at every stage of their health journey. We believe that Aspire will not only bridge the insurance gap but also redefine expectations, providing our policyholders with unwavering support and peace of mind, he added.”

The launch of Aspire comes at a time when the healthcare industry is poised for its next phase of growth and is marked by a paradigm shift in consumer behavior and expectations. The Aspire health insurance product covers a wide array of features, ensuring that both individuals and families receive extensive protection and financial security throughout their health journey.

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