The Dynamic Duo of Cleaning:Declutter and Deep Clean for the UltimateClean!

Telugu super news,India, 5h April 2023Get ready for some summer cleaning! Dry and windy days can bring allergens like pollen into the air, causing reactions like hay fever. Moist conditions, on the other hand, can create a breeding ground for mold growth and dust mites – two common allergens. Don’t worry, though – with just two simple steps, you can prepare your home for the summer season: decluttering and deep cleaning.When combined, these tasks can work wonders to transform a cluttered and dirty space into a healthy and organized one. Discover the benefits of decluttering and vacuuming, along with expert tips and tricks to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of the process.

How to Declutter

The initial step in cleaning your home for Summer is to get rid of any clutter that you believe is no longer useful. By getting rid of things, you no longer need or want, you can create a more streamlined living space. Decluttering not only makes cleaning easier, but it can also help reduce stress and increase productivity.

How to Deep Clean

Deep cleaning is about completely removing dust and dirt from surfaces, and it is important that we do it regularly.

Monika Stuczen, Research Scientist in Microbiology at Dyson, says:

It is a cause for concern if people only clean when they spot visible dust on the floors as many dust particles are microscopic in size. However, just because it is out of sight does not mean it should be out of mind. Our research shows that the best way to tackle household dust is by removing it, cleaning regularly to prevent the build-up of dust in the home.”

Here are some tips for a stress-free clean to maintain a cleaner and healthier home this Summer.

Invest in the right tools.

Different surfaces and spaces require different cleaning tools for effective removal of dust and debris. Sweeping and dusting only agitate dust, causing it to become airborne and settle elsewhere. Cord-free vacuum cleaners make great cleaning tools as they are versatile andalsocome numerous attachments to ensure precise cleaning around tricky edges and hard-to-reach narrow spaces in your home. Dyson offers a range of cord-free vacuum cleaners so there is a format for every home depending on users’ cleaning needs and habits. For an added bonus, Dyson vacuum cleaners come with dust illumination technology that allows the user to see invisible dust particles on hard floors.

Plan a cleaning schedule that works for you

With all the hassle that comes with summer cleaning, creating a cleaning schedule is one of the most important things you can do to keep your home clean and organised.

·        Create a task checklist

·        Prioritise areas which are used less

·        Go room by room to avoid overwhelming yourself

Top-to-bottom cleaning hack

Always clean your room from top to bottom so you capture any fallen airborne dust as you go. Begin by dusting the cobwebs and ceiling, then move to the walls, bookshelves, and furniture. Clean your floor only at the end using the different cleaner heads depending on the type of floor.

·        Clean the top-mounted appliances first

·        Remove any wall-mounted items (photo frames, clocks) and vacuum the dust that has accumulated on the walls. Use the Dyson combination tool so that you don’t put any scratches on the items. Don’t forget to vacuum around any immovable furniture’s crevices (bookcases, televisions)

·        Dust the walls with a vacuum with an advanced filtration system to ensure that the dust you’re removing is trapped in the bin and not expelled back into the home

·        Don’t forget about the curtains and blinds. If you can’t wash them, vacuum the dust away with the combination tool.

Neglected spots

Neglected spots like mattresses, walls, and ceilings often go unnoticed during cleaning, yet they harbour dust mites, bacteria, and other particles that can trigger allergies. It’s crucial to include these areas in your cleaning routine to effectively eliminate allergens from your home. Dyson’s anti-tangle hair screw tool helps to tackle many such neglected spots including the mattress, couch, pet bed etc.

Use an air purifier!

Indoor air pollution is often overlooked, but harmful particles from burning candles and cooking can affect people’s well-being. Dyson purifier fans capture and destroy these particles, removing 99.95% of even the smallest particles, while also cooling the room with Air Multiplier technology.

Follow these tips to make your home Summer-ready!

Follow these tips to make your home Summer-ready!


For more information, please contact:

Surbhi Sharma –

Manmohan Negi –

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