New Zealand-India Education Week concludes with an interactive Townhall with Soha Ali Khan in Mumbai

Education New Zealand-Media Release
Telugu super news,India,April 24th,2023: New Zealand-India Education Week concludes today amidst a series of insightful academic dialogue between experts from both countries. The last day of the education week
witnessed an interactive discussion with Grant McPherson, Chief Executive, Education New Zealand
| Manapao Ki teAo, and Indian alumni from New Zealand universities. The townhall, held in Mumbai,
was moderated by Education New Zealand’s brand advocate, Soha Ali Khan.
Intended to promote cultural diversity amongst students, the korerero saw a very interesting
conversation that highlighted New Zealand’s indigenous culture and traditions, the high quality of
education and an overall holistic life experience.

Student alumni and Grant answered questionsaround New Zealand education and university
offerings for learners wanting to study in the country.

L-R: Dr Shabhana Khan – Director, Indian Research Academy, University of Wellington Alumni; Grant Mcpherson- Chief Executive, Education New Zealand; Soha Ali Khan, Amit Doshi – Business Unit Manager, Meril, University of Otago alumni; Surabhi Date – Strength

and Conditioning Program Lead, Auckland University of Technology Alumni

Bollywood celebrity Soha Ali Khan said, “New Zealand offers a truly future-focused education with
creativity and innovation at the heart of its education system. Alongside learning essential academic
skills, New Zealand embraces diverse cultures, languages, experiences, lifestyle, that make
international students feel at home. I am honoured to be a part of this panel today, giving me an
opportunity to unravel the exciting facets of the country and learn about the cultural similarities
between India and New Zealand.”

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