IKS hub Launched in Hyderabad

Telugu super news,march 6th,2023: The IKS Hub focuses on nine primary areas, including health sciences, Indian mathematics, Indian astronomy, yogic psychology and cognition, sustainability, ecology and agriculture, languages, Darshana Shastras, art and architecture, and temple sciences. The hub is designed to cater to a broad audience, including youth, children, families, researchers, practitioners, and lifelong learners.

We believe that it is essential to re-awaken young Indians to the richness of the Indian scientific tradition by bringing together experts, educators, learners, and citizens. Through mainstream education, we are introduced to the contributions of European scientists such as Pythagoras, Aristotle, Euclid, Archimedes, Ptolemy, Newton, Mendeleev, and Einstein.

While their contributions are invaluable, we only gain a Euro-centric narrative to the development of human thought and scientific breakthroughs. It is equally important to get acquainted with the contributions of Indian thinkers, linguists, and scientists who have bolstered breakthroughs in numerous fields, beginning from the Vedic era up until recent times.

We are committed to achieving widespread awareness of Indian Knowledge Systems and working closely with experts, scholars, and practitioners to provide a platform for sharing knowledge and ideas, and to inspire young minds to take up studies in these areas.
We sincerely hope that you will join us at the launch event of the IKS Hub and support our endeavour to promote and popularize ancient Indian sciences and knowledge traditions. To know more please visit our website www.ikshub.org.

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