HMD develops safety needle syringes to protect healthworkers against needle-stick injuries in Telangana

Telugu super news,Hyderabad, March 21, 2024: Hindustan Syringes and Medical Devices (HMD), one of the leading manufacturers of disposable and AutoDisable syringes in the world, has launched the most innovative and first-of-its kind Dispojekt single use syringes with safety needle in Hyderabad, propelling India towards ‘atmanirbhar’ and becoming global powerhouse in medical devices.

The launch aligns with India’s efforts to become a self-reliant hub for medical device
manufacturing and exporting. Dispojekt is expected to bring about a positive financial impact
on the healthcare sector by reducing healthcare worker injuries and associated costs.
With the revolutionary Dispojekt safety syringes, HMD aims to reduce prevalence
of accidental Needle Stick Injuries (NSIs) among health workers, reduction of infection
control cost and that of disposal and training, offering a long term positive financial impact
on the healthcare sector. Domestic manufactured, technologically advanced products
will provide India a global edge in the realm of R&D and leapfrog indigenous players
to meet the highly demanding global market for sharp injury prevention syringes. 

The use of safety needles in healthcare settings offer numerous cost benefits. They reduce
healthcare worker injuries, lowering costs from potential disease treatment and potential
long-term health issues. By minimizing needle stick injuries, they also decrease expenses for
post-exposure prophylaxis and associated healthcare costs. Moreover, safety needles
mitigate compensation claims, absenteeism, and can lead to lower health insurance
premiums, while also reducing product and packaging footprints for cost and environmental
savings. They assist in creating a safer and more reliable workplace environment for
healthcare workers. 
“Equipped with a safety shield (SIP Shield), Dispojekt syringe addresses critical concerns of
needle stick injuries and reaffirms our commitment as market leader towards excellence in
healthcare. It is a great outcome of our Make in India resolve as envisioned by Prime
Minister Narendra Modi to realize the goal of Viksit Bharat,” said Mr Rajiv Nath, Managing
Director, HMD, adding that India is all poised to become a global powerhouse in
manufacturing and exporting of medical devices in sync with the spirit
of Atma Nirbhar Bharat.

HMD indigenously develops and launches revolutionary Dispojekt safety needle syringes in
Hyderabad and Vijayawada to curb the menace of NSI
There is significant headroom for innovation and growth in the medical devices
industry and the future of healthcare technology rests on robust R&D. With the disposable
syringe market size in India estimated to be over 5 billion units per year and 5-6
billion needles, 80 % of which are in the hands of private sector players. “We aim for 60-
70 % market share in the next three years, thanks to our innovative Dispojekt,” informed the
Executive Director, Mr Sohail Nath.
“HMD believes in delivering the best at the most competitive costing. Dispojekt safety needle
syringes are going to be the game changer in the Global fight against NSIs. We are aiming
to initially produce 200 million syringes and needles per annum for which we have invested
approximately Rs 70 cr in the first phase,” revealed Mr Sohail.
“In the second phase, we will increase the capacity to 300 million pieces per annum by
investing another Rs 10 crore to Rs 15 crore,” added Mr Sohail, sounding buoyant over
expected return on investment over the next five years as HMD is a debt-free financially
strong manufacturer and the product development has been financed from
internal resources without any grants.
As one of the most reputed medical device manufacturers with multiple state-of-the-art
manufacturing facilities in Faridabad, Haryana, HMD produces over 4 billion injection
needles per annum, catering to the needs of its primary markets comprising India, Europe,
US, Middle East, and its secondary markets of South-East Asia and Africa.
Talking about managing inventory and distribution of Dispojekt safety needle
syringes, Mr Sohail, said that HMD has a national distribution network of over 9500 dealers
and has over 60 contractual stock points in key metropolitan, Tier I and Tier II cities which is
assisted by their dedicated sales force, ensuring that supply chain management is
uninterrupted as has been the case for its Dispovan brand syringes with rapid delivery
and short term quick delivery and turn around cycle.
Reflecting further, he said that Dispojekt safety needle syringes will not only further
strengthen our position as market leader but will give a boost global collective efforts of
WHO to check NSIs leading to transmission of blood borne disease, like Hepatitis B, C
and HIV among healthcare personnel, betting on its quality, uniqueness and affordability.
“Dispojekt safety needle syringes have been designed to be affordable for the developing
world including India and are nearly half the cost of safety single use syringes used in the
USA and Europe where 100 percent usage is mandatory by legislation,” informed Mr Sohail.

As per a publication in International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, the
overall prevalence of NSIs in India in 2021 was 20.1 %. It has been observed that
NSIs prevalence among nurses was 31.3 %, technicians 37.5 %, ward boys and other staff
15 %, and sweepers of public and private hospitals 15.6 %.
According to research, the prevalence of NSIs among healthcare workers in India is between
57% and 73%. In fact, approximately 54% of NSIs are reported because of
using hypodermic needles. Many instances of NSIs go unreported, making it a way more
serious problem than it appears. To shield frontline healthcare workers from the dangers of
NSIs, we at HMD have pioneered a single-use syringe with safety needle –Dispojekt.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, US, has estimated that only 10 % of NSIs
injuries are reported. In developing countries, which have the highest global prevalence of

HMD indigenously develops and launches revolutionary Dispojekt safety needle syringes in
Hyderabad and Vijayawada to curb the menace of NSI
HIV, the prevalence of needle stick injuries is also at the highest level. Studies
report an annual of 100,000 injuries caused by sharp objects among nurses in the UK as

Asked about clinical studies conducted to affirm safety and efficacy of Dispojekt safety
needle syringes, Mr Rajiv said, “Dispojekt syringes are a part of Safety Engineered Devices
(SED). Numerous clinical studies and evaluations have been conducted to assess the safety
and efficacy of syringes with safety needles. There are clinical trials which have proved that
the use of SED has reduced the incidence of needle stick injuries in healthcare workers” and
its usage is encouraged as best practices for Injection Safety in EU & USA and by WHO in
the developing world. This initial design was field trialed in India, UK and USA and based on
feedback received the product was re-engineered to be more cost effective and affordable
and user friendly, by being a major improvement over existing commonly available safety
syringes in the global market.
“One such publication in the European Journal of Microbiology and Immunology, a German
study confirms that the uses of SED have reduced NSIs by 17.6 %. Another study published
in the British Journal of Nursing in 2020 confirms the above fact that SED reduces NSI. It’s
important to note that research in the medical field is ongoing, and new studies may have
been conducted yet to get published or under review,” Mr Rajiv added.
The launch of Dispojekt safety needle syringes, an innovative and cost-effective product
from the R&D lab of the world’s largest manufacturer of Auto-Disable (AD)
syringes, assumes significance in view of the monstrous magnitude of NSIs among the
health workers.