Cipla Ltd.

Telugu Super News,Hyderabad, 13 March, 2023: On the heels of the #InhalerHainSahi campaign, Cipla Ltd. reveals insights on the perception of asthma as well as its recommended treatment i.e., inhalers amongst those suffering from the disease. Conducted across six non-metro cities in India, the aim of the study was to measure the level of awareness about asthma as well as an understanding of the barriers to the acceptance of inhalation therapy. Key findings from the study included that, 36% of individuals still do not accept inhalers as an effective way to manage asthma, with 40% of parents still believing that inhalers aren’t suitable for children1. Thus, highlighting that while some positive movement has been made, a lot more work needs to be done to improve disease and treatment awareness.

Commenting on the importance of awareness initiatives like #BerokZindagi, Dr. Vivek Vardhan Veerapaneni, Consultant Pulmonologist, Hyderabad said, “India accounts for approximately 12% of global asthma cases yet an alarming 42% of asthma-related deaths . This disparity can be attributed to two major barriers: lack of awareness and stigma. Due to a lack of understanding of the disease, patients often fail to recognize symptoms and delay seeking medical treatment. Additionally, negative perceptions and stigmas surrounding inhalers, from potential side effects to social embarrassment, further impede proper treatment. To combat this, there needs to be a significant shift in how India views asthma and inhalers through widespread awareness campaigns across the country.”

Championed by the #InhalersHainSahi ad film, and further extended through social media the latest phase of Cipla’s largest patient awareness campaign, received more than 20+ CR views across digital platforms and activities. Through more engaging and newer formats, this latest chapter focuses on increasing awareness about inhalers as a safe and effective mode of treatment for people with asthma. Tracking the progress of this ambition the study was conducted with a sample size of 2400+ asthmatics and caregivers covering current inhaler user, lapsers and rejectors. Other findings from the study included1 –

·While 53% of the total respondents believe that inhalers have a low dose, 37% still don’t believe that inhalers are safe for managing asthma

·40% of respondents who are caregivers of children with breathing problems believe that inhalers aren’t – safe for managing asthma, suitable for children or is even the right treatment for asthma

·Amongst lapsers i.e. those who used inhaler for a short period of time but abruptly stopped – 35% of the respondents attributed social stigma as the reason they stopped using an inhaler

· 36% of respondents who have never tried to use an inhaler i.e. rejectors, believed that inhalers were to be used only in case of severe Asthma or during an attack  

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