Horlicks Women’s Plus ties up with Apollo Diagnostics nationally, offers Vitamin D testing for women at a special price of Rs. 199

Horlicks Women’s

Telugu Super News,India,March 3rd, 2023: HUL’s Horlicks Women’s Plus has partnered with Apollo Diagnostics across India to create awareness around the importance of Vitamin D to maintain bone health. During the month of March, women would be provided with a Vitamin D test at all Apollo Clinics and Diagnostics (1800+ locations) at a special discounted price of INR 199/-, a massive discount over the regular cost of the test which is INR1850/-.

9 out of 10 women have Vitamin D deficiency Vitamin D is one of essential nutrient in maintaining bone health as it helps bones absorb calcium. After the age of 30, women may start losing bone density. Poor bone health can show up as frequent discomfort during regular activities – like prolonged standing, sitting on the floor, or lifting heavy items. If preventive measures are not taken, it can lead to musculoskeletal pains, risk of fractures, and in certain cases osteoporosis in old age.

Krishnan SundaramVice President, Nutrition, Hindustan Unilever Limited, commented, ‘’While Vitamin D deficiency is extremely common in India, but the awareness around the issue is abysmally low. We are proud to partner in this nation-wide initiative with Apollo Diagnostics, to allow women to test for Vit D deficiency and receive more information on how to maintain their bone health. We believe that this initiative would help drive the culture of preventive healthcare in India, through healthy lifestyle and nutrition.’’

A well-balanced diet, regular physical activity and proper intake of key nutrients like Calcium & Vitamin D are key to maintaining bone health. Horlicks Women’s Plus which is clinically proven to help improve bone strength in 6 months, contains 100% RDA of Calcium & Vitamin D. In addition to the tests, women visiting Apollo Diagnostics for this initiative will get information on bone health along with a free sample of Horlick’s Women’s Plus.