Alarming Rise of Heart Attacks in Hyderabad Youth: Is Obesity the Culprit?

Telugu super news,Hyderabad, March 7th, 2024: There has been a tremendous rise in heart ailments and sudden heart attacks, especially among the youth in Hyderabad. As per the Indian Heart Association, heart diseases are detected at an earlier age in India (almost 33% earlier) than other demographics, often without warning. Some of the major causes are linked to sedentary behaviour, engaging in strenuous work, high levels of stress, and long desk hours.

One of the leading causes of such heart attacks among youth is the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels, due to obesity. The latest Lancet report also claimed that Telangana has over 25% central obesity and hypertension cases. The incidence of hypertriglyceridemia (high levels of triglycerides/fat deposits in the blood), is also high among patients in Telangana.

On World Obesity Day, Dr. R K Jain, Senior Interventional Cardiologist, KIMS Hospital, Hyderabad explains in detail about the same, “Obesity itself can directly harm the heart, even in the absence of known risk factors like high blood pressure, cholesterol, or diabetes. It is important to undertake proactive measures, especially among youth, who often engage in low physical activity and consume excessive processed foods.”

Obese individuals require more blood supply to supply oxygen and nutrients to their bodies, causing an increase in blood pressure. Additionally, obesity can lead to a build-up of fatty material in the arteries, leading to a heart attack. Research also indicates that higher Body mass index (BMI) was strongly linked to higher troponin levels, a protein found in the muscles of the heart. It is stated that people who are obese and have high troponin levels are nine times more likely to develop heart failure than those who had normal weight and undetectable troponin.

Commenting on the treatment modalities that patients should consider, Dr. Jain added, “These patients require tailored care