Ratnadeep celebrated International Women’s Day

Telugu super news,Hyderabad, March 12, 2024: Ratnadeep celebrated International Women’s Day with impactful events designed to inspire inclusivity.

In Hyderabad, Ratnadeep hosted an interactive session where participants shared insights into women’s wellness products, creating a safe space for open dialogue and empowerment. Notably, Ratnadeep boasts a workforce of over 65% women of total employees and emphasizing its dedication to supporting women’s empowerment. Ratnadeep stores radiated with the spirit of womanhood, celebrating the strength, resilience, and accomplishments of women everywhere. Ratnadeep created an example of inclusivity, by building a store which run by all women.

At its Hyderabad stores on the 7th and 8th of March, Ratnadeep engaged customers with interactive sessions led by women celebrity influencers. These sessions, guided by conversations, encouraged meaningful dialogue around inclusivity, empowering attendees to embrace diversity. Notably, the activities focused on empowering women through thoughtful discussions and interactive sessions, with a special emphasis on inclusivity-related queries.

Additionally, a serene yoga session was held at the head office, encouraging women to prioritize self-care and strike a harmonious balance between work and personal life. This initiative underscores Ratnadeep’s commitment to nurturing holistic well-being among its employees.

Ratnadeep Hyderabad, employees participated in conversation about their experiences, reflecting on the importance of inclusivity in their daily lives. Simultaneously in Bangalore, additional activities such as games and challenges further amplified the message of inclusivity.

These diverse initiatives underscore Ratnadeep’s commitment to fostering a culture of inclusivity at all levels of its operations.