CARE Hospitals, Banjara Hills Pioneers New Orbital Atherectomy Technology for Treatment of Calcium Deposits in Coronary Arteries

CARE Hospitals

Telugu Super News,Hyderabad, 13th March 2023: CARE Hospitals Banjara Hills has set a new benchmark in clinical excellence by successfully utilizing the advanced technology of the ‘orbital atherectomy device.’ The device has been used in the USA for the past seven years and has now made its way to India, allowing Indian patients to benefit from this technology. This procedure is particularly helpful for patients who have dense calcium in their coronary arteries, and who have a higher risk of developing blockages.

The coronary arteries, which number three, are responsible for supplying oxygenated blood to the heart. However, the presence of diabetes, smoking, high-fat diet, lack of exercise, and stress can cause cholesterol deposits to accumulate in the arteries, leading to clogging and angina. Over time, these blockages can become hard calcium deposits, requiring bypass surgery. Fortunately, there are several methods for breaking calcium deposits, including cutting balloons, IVL (lithotripsy) balloon, Rotablator, and the new orbital atherectomy device.

The orbital atherectomy device is an innovative technology that features diamond chips studded around a miniature crown measuring 1.25 mm in diameter. The device revolves at approximately 100,000 rotations per minute and shaves off the calcium, after which a stent is deployed. The excellent results are confirmed using OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography), an advanced imaging technique. Patients can be discharged after 48 hours and avoid bypass surgery. In follow-up, antiplatelets and statins are used to ensure continued health.

The team of cardiologists at CARE Hospitals, Banjara Hills, led by Dr. Surya Prakash Rao, Dr. BKS Sastry, and Dr. PLN Kapardhi performed the procedure with great success. “Four patients who had dense calcium in their coronary arteries, including a couple of post-bypass patients, underwent orbital atherectomy successfully at CARE Hospitals and this was performed for the first time at CARE Hospitals.” Commented Dr. Surya Prakash Rao.

“We are proud to introduce the revolutionary orbital atherectomy device at CARE Hospitals Banjara Hills, which is a major step forward in the treatment of calcium deposits in the coronary arteries. This new technology will further enable us to provide our patients with a safe and effective treatment option which will reduce the recovery time and minimize the risk of complications. At CARE Hospitals, we are committed to bringing the latest advancements in healthcare technology to our patients, and this is just one example of that commitment,” said Dr Nikhil Mathur – Group chief of medical services, CARE Hospitals Group.

All four patients who underwent the procedure are doing well, and the surgeries have been successful. This marks yet another achievement for CARE Hospitals Banjara Hills, which continues to prioritize clinical excellence and the use of cutting-edge technology to improve patient outcomes.