Gift Warmth: ReNew to Distribute 200,000 blankets This Winter

Telugu super news,India,January 29, 2024: ReNew Energy Global Plc (Nasdaq: RNW, RNWWW), a leading decarbonization solutions company, has announced the launch of the 9th edition of ‘Gift Warmth’–an initiative to support the marginalized sections of the society during the harsh winter season.

This year, ReNew has joined hands with the local administration to distribute over 200,000 blankets across states including Delhi NCR, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Odisha and Uttarakhand. The blanket distribution drive will continue up till January to ensure that the impact is maximized during the peak winter season. This year, ReNew will distribute 19,000 blankets in the region.

Climate change has been responsible for extreme cold conditions in the North Indian states in recent years with the cold wave taking a heavy toll on homeless people. According to government data, people face acute hardships during winters even leading to deaths.

In collaboration with government officials, ReNew employees will identify the most needy in specific districts vulnerable to cold waves and distribute blankets to bring comfort to their lives. The distribution drives will commence at the district level, followed by the tehsil and village level distributions.

Furthermore, company employees will conduct night drives for blanket distribution and contribute to shelters through donations. The blankets are sourced from small-scale businesses with a goal to boost the local economy.

Vaishali Nigam Sinha, Co-Founder and Chairperson – Sustainability said, “The climate crisis has intensified the severity of cold waves in the recent years. Millions of people face hardships due to extreme weather fluctuations.

At ReNew, we have always believed in giving back to the communities and Gift Warmth is a small step in our endeavour to stand by the marginalized sections during the harsh winter months. This year, we have scaled up our efforts to reach out to a lot of more people in need. We are proud of our employees who passionately engage in this initiative and work on the ground with local authorities to make this effort a big success.”

The Gift Warmth campaign, initiated in 2015, with a vision ‘no one in India should suffer from cold’ has consistently evolved to address the needs of the local communities during the severe Indian winters. The company has distributed 625,000 blankets to date and aspires to reach the goal of giving out 1 billion blankets to vulnerable sections by 2025.

In this pursuit, ReNew invites partnerships and collaborations from other corporations and institutions willing to contribute to this noble cause through donations at