Sendbird Embraces Generative AI: Company Launches No-Code Chatbots Powered by ChatGPT for Web and Mobile Apps

Telugu super news,India,April26th, 2023:Sendbird, the global conversations platform for mobile apps with over 300 million monthly active users, today announced a new low-code API to supercharge chatbots with ChatGPT. It opens a world of possibilities for web and mobile chat app developers and product managers, who can quickly tap into generative AI’s power to assist users. Businesses have the opportunity to revolutionize their chatbot experience seamlessly with more personalized and sophisticated answers to complicated questions, further driving customer engagement, retention, and satisfaction.

This new chatbot API instantly enables over 1,300 apps, transacting 7 billion+ monthly messages on the Sendbird platform. Layering the current chat experience with GPT AI chatbots takes customer engagement and OpenAI’s usage to a new level. Now acting as middleware, Sendbird enables online businesses that embed chat to reinvent their chatbot experience across a wide range of verticals, including marketplaces, healthcare, financial services, on-demand, education, and more. An incredible opportunity is at the grasp of businesses that want to combine the conversational capabilities of ChatGPT with customer data to generate custom answers tailored to their exact customers’ needs. 

Fulfilling the Promise of Human-Like Chatbot Interactions with ChatGPT

Sendbird developed a new API to dramatically improve chatbot conversations with personalized and intelligent responses previously only possible with humans. Previous chatbots suffered from being too scripted and inflexible. If a user asked a series of common questions, for example, the chatbot would give them preset answers, quickly reaching the end of its scripted capabilities. If the interaction continued outside its scope, it would likely say, “Let me hand you off to a human agent.” This wound up being a shallow and short-lived experience that offered limited value. 

By contrast, ChatGPT-powered chatbots by Sendbird create a human-like chat experience that brands can enrich with customer data for additional personalization. Businesses can feed historical conversations or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) data to ChatGPT to drive more useful responses. For instance: 

  • A healthcare company can streamline doctors’ appointment scheduling while considering each party’s availability,
  • A Fintech app can create a financial bot to answer users’ various queries on their spending,
  • A marketplace can assist support agents with past conversations’ summaries and offer intelligent suggestions to greet and farewell customers.

The result is an improvement in efficiency and brand perception, as customers feel a deeper sense of care that drives loyalty. Sendbird already sees such results with its new Salesforce Connector, in which its ChatGPT Summarize feature synthesizes customer cases to enable a new agent to take over quickly.

“Sendbird’s mission is to help online businesses build deeper connections with their users and get things done. It made perfect sense to use ChatGPT to make chatbots converse like humans for a user experience more personalized with first-party data. The test cases we’ve seen have been pretty amazing,” said John S. Kim, CEO, and co-founder of Sendbird. “And like all Sendbird offerings, the API integration is swift and easy so that developers can integrate the chatbot into their apps immediately. As such, we can lower the barrier to entry for customers looking to leverage ChatGPT.”

Sendbird’s API and dashboard allow customers to create ChatGPT-powered chatbots in minutes with their OpenAI API key. The dashboard interface allows customers to define and test effective prompts, set ChatGPT parameters, and seamlessly add their chatbot to a channel in their app. 

Sendbird’s first generative AI integration lays the foundation to support more language learning models (LLM) in the future and new use cases to further enhance communication efficiency and user experience. 

To learn more and view the demos of Sendbird with ChatGPT, go to

Sendbird Introduces Salesforce Connector to Elevate the Service Experience for Support Agents and Customers


Telugu super news,India, April 5th,2023:Sendbird, the global conversations platform for mobile apps with over 300 million monthly active users, today announced the public beta release of its new integration with Salesforce Service Cloud. Sendbird’s Salesforce Connector allows any business to extend Salesforce Service Cloud capabilities to deliver an exceptional live chat support experience to customers. Requiring just a few hours to integrate, this powerful connector enables businesses to leverage Sendbird’s robust chat features to offer real-time, personalized support directly within their own mobile app, resulting in happier customers and increased loyalty.

The new Sendbird Salesforce Connector stands out because of its superior chat capabilities such as rich media attachments, image moderation, webhooks, and a customizable end-user experience that can be tailored to your customers’ specific needs. Sendbird is also harnessing the power of ChatGPT to offer live agents advanced tools that enhance their performance within their existing workflows. With these upgraded features, agents can engage in more productive, meaningful, and responsive customer communications, ultimately leading to higher customer satisfaction and retention.

“With Sendbird’s new Salesforce Connector, agents can take their interactions to the next level,” said Sendbird CEO and Co-founder John S. Kim. “We’re giving teams the superpowers they need to make the most of every single contact. We’re operating in a time when everyone is examining whether every dollar spent is worth the value they receive. Sendbird wants to ensure organizations excel at providing value through outstanding customer service to win loyalty and improve retention.”

Sendbird Salesforce Connector Turns Support Tickets Into Customer Satisfaction Wins

Better together, Salesforce and Sendbird are upgrading the Salesforce Service Cloud capabilities to further improve customer service. With Sendbird’s SDKs, organizations now can create the ideal, fully customizable customer experience they’ve envisioned to help differentiate their brand.

The new integration enables the following features:

●      Einstein bot integration: The Sendbird connector is fully compatible with Salesforce’s Einstein bot. Simply turn ON the bot settings, and the Einstein bot will automate the customer service experience.

●      New message alert with notification sounds: Never miss a customer message by enabling the notification sound for new incoming messages. This also helps agents respond with unprecedented speed.

●      Sendbird chat in case details lightning page: Chat with customers right within the case details without having to move around different tabs or the chat widget.

●      Sendbird chat widget in utility bar: Set agent availability status to chat with customers and collectively see all assigned cases within the case list.

●      Summarize (powered by ChatGPT) – Agents no longer need to read the conversation from the very start – just click on ‘Summarize’ to get a brief summary of the entire chat conversation between agent and customer.

●      Switch case from chat list: Chat with multiple customers at the same time by simply switching chat cases from the case list.

●      Transcripts: Once the case is closed, a transcript of the case (log between the customer and agent) is created as a record of the conversation. No detail is lost, and should an issue arise in the future, the complete history is easy to review.

Additionally, with the Sendbird Salesforce Connector, organizations get an out-of-the-box solution that can be implemented within hours compared to other connectors that can take weeks. This translates to faster time to value.

To learn more about Sendbird Salesforce Connector, sign up for a deep-dive webinar to be held on April 4 at 3:00pm PST, or go to

Sendbird Launches New Offering That Cuts SMS Spend by 50% and Increases Conversion Rate by 2X


Telugu Super News,India,March 16th, 2023:Sendbird, the global conversations platform for mobile apps with over 300 million monthly active users, today announced Sendbird Notifications, a low-code, API-based solution that enables product managers and marketers to customize and send a persistent in-app notifications experience in minutes, delivering 2X the conversion at half the cost of SMS.  

With Sendbird Notifications, business users can easily create and send interactive in-app messages at scale using Sendbird Notification Builder or directly from select marketing automation platforms, such as Braze or CleverTap, two new integrations also announced today. Notifications are easily customizable in a no-code template builder, and can be further enriched with interactivity and rich media. 

Unlike SMS messages that get lost in a customers’ phone messages folder and in-app push notifications that display then disappear, Sendbird Notifications are persistent – they can be accessed in a customizable in-app view, directly in a conversations feed, or anywhere in app, at any time. The result is a new cost-effective channel for business-to-user communications that drives higher conversion compared to SMS and push.

In a time when business leaders must evaluate value delivered from every technology investment, the performance of SMS is under scrutiny. While a popular business-to-user communications channel, SMS is plagued by high costs, increasing scams, low conversion, and lack of reliable performance metrics.

“Customers of all sizes have shared that SMS is the black box of their spend,” said Sendbird CEO and Co-founder John S. Kim. “SMS is a necessary channel for user acquisition, but once a user is acquired it is substantially more cost efficient and effective to drive action in app. We are thrilled with the results from our Notifications beta program, which has proven that in-app messages are highly effective at reaching and converting customers.”

Organizations that participated in the Sendbird Notification beta program saw significant savings from SMS at 2X conversion rates. Sendbird Notifications makes it easy for customers anywhere in the world to deploy its solution and achieve similar results with just a few lines of code.

“Sendbird has proven to be very helpful in significantly increasing engagement for notifications. We have been able to achieve higher conversions along with greater savings on our SMS communications,” Apurva Shetty, Product Manager at Porter. “The successful integration of notification solutions into the system has seen a surge in our business-to-user communications.”

Sendbird also offers solutions for mobile user-to-user chat and support. Notifications can be configured with all Sendbird products in-app, offering customers an optional unified inbox for all user-to-user and business-to-user communications, or any combination of Sendbird chat, voice & video, live video streaming, and support.

A Better Way to Engage Customers

Sendbird Notifications supports every type of in-app business-to-consumer communications, including marketing promotions and messages, transactional updates, and operational prompts. Many of these messages are delivered via SMS today for high cost and suboptimal conversion. Sendbird Notifications makes it easy to migrate these messages in app and to support an ongoing in-app messaging channel at much lower cost and higher conversion.


With Sendbird for Braze and Sendbird for CleverTap, product managers and marketers can use their existing marketing automation solutions to deliver rich, interactive, persistent in-app messages to segmented audiences as fast and easy as creating an email.

Once connected, marketers and customer experience managers can go into their campaign workflow, choose an audience segment, select from pre-built Notification templates, compose and personalize messages with rich media, buttons, and links, and see a live preview of the message before hitting send. Then the message is instantly delivered to the users’ apps. All of this is possible from the convenience of an easy to use no-code WYSIWYG message composer. Zero coding skills are needed, and no dev support is required. 

Offer for New Notifications Customers 

Sendbird guarantees that it will reduce eligible new Notifications customer’s SMS spend by 50%. The company announced today that it will provide messaging contracts for 50% off of a customer’s existing SMS contract. Learn more by booking a demo at