Amit Shah’s emphasis on local language in education inspired by the philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore

Telugu super news,May 12th,2023: A votary of imparting education in the local language, Home Minister Amit Shah’s indelible imprint in the Nation Education Policy (NEP) that emphasises imparting education in the local language is inspired by the philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore.

Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore always laid great emphasis on education in one’s mother tongue. A child’s capacity for thinking and research is severely restricted if he/she cannot speak in his/her mother tongue. The New Education Policy, a brainchild of Home Minister Shah, has taken inspiration from the thoughts of Gurudev and given thrust on education in the mother tongue.

A voracious reader of Rabindranath’s immortal creations, Shah is a true disciple of Rabindranath Tagore and a firm believer of Gurudev’s philosophy on various aspects including politics. NEP has been modelled on the philosophy of Tagore essentially to help ignite a child’s capacity of thinking & researching and explore her inner self.

Gurudev’s idea of using the mother tongue for imparting education is exemplary across the world. Gurudev believed that glorifying foreign education and universities should not be the goal of our education system. Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore put forth this new idea of education as opposed to education by rote learning.

“In Santiniketan, Tagore amalgamated the ancient Indian knowledge system with modern learning techniques. Tagore gave maximum impetus to learning in the mother tongue. He knew one could not explore his inner self without the use of his mother tongue. In the National Education Policy, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was greatly inspired by these aspects and incorporated them into the NEP,” Shah said.

Shah said the formation of Santiniketan with the Nobel Prize money was no less revolutionary in those days. Tagore introduced the spirit of India to the world. His continuous efforts were to break barriers and to make young students free from mugging up lessons, to light the lamp of knowledge inside one’s spirit.

“Not the education system introduced by the Britishers and certainly not the parrot-learning methods, Kaviguru introduced an education system that could ensure the infinite evolution of human potential through Santiniketan. This is a legacy we all should cherish and feel proud of before the world. In a way, Gurudev introduced India’s soul to the entire world,” he said.

Shah said he was amazed to learn how, despite being a son of a Zamindar family of Bengal, Rabindranath could express the thoughts of ideas of common people of this earth so eloquently.
Paying rich tribute to Rabindranath, Shah said Kaviguru was a global personality in true sense and contributed not just to art in India, but across various disciplines globally.

The educational experiments conducted in Santiniketan are exemplary for educationists across the globe and showcase a new vision of education for the entire world. He said that all the people associated with the field of education in India should take responsibility to strengthen the experiment of Santiniketan and put emphasis on it globally. Shah said that the university should act as an active medium for the exchange of ideas.

Shah said that Gurudev’s thoughts continue to guide our nation even today. Gurudev’s free thought for politics, social life, art and patriotism is unlike the kind of narrow-mindedness that we see in politics now. Shah said that Gurudev’s thoughts are equally relevant and inspirational even today and his thoughts are the wealth for India and the whole world.

Amit Shah’s emphasis on local language in education inspired by the philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore

Telugu super news,May 10,2023: A votary of imparting education in the local language, Home Minister Amit Shah’s indelible imprint in the Nation Education Policy (NEP) that emphasises imparting education in the local language is inspired by the philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore.

Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore always laid great emphasis on education in one’s mother tongue. A child’s capacity for thinking and research is severely restricted if he/she cannot speak in his/her mother tongue. The New Education Policy, a brainchild of Home Minister Shah, has taken inspiration from the thoughts of Gurudev and given thrust on education in the mother tongue.

A voracious reader of Rabindranath’s immortal creations, Shah is a true disciple of Rabindranath Tagore and a firm believer of Gurudev’s philosophy on various aspects including politics. NEP has been modelled on the philosophy of Tagore essentially to help ignite a child’s capacity of thinking & researching and explore her inner self.

Gurudev’s idea of using the mother tongue for imparting education is exemplary across the world. Gurudev believed that glorifying foreign education and universities should not be the goal of our education system. Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore put forth this new idea of education as opposed to education by rote learning.

“In Santiniketan, Tagore amalgamated the ancient Indian knowledge system with modern learning techniques. Tagore gave maximum impetus to learning in the mother tongue. He knew one could not explore his inner self without the use of his mother tongue. In the National Education Policy, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was greatly inspired by these aspects and incorporated them into the NEP,” Shah said.

Shah said the formation of Santiniketan with the Nobel Prize money was no less revolutionary in those days. Tagore introduced the spirit of India to the world. His continuous efforts were to break barriers and to make young students free from mugging up lessons, to light the lamp of knowledge inside one’s spirit.

“Not the education system introduced by the Britishers and certainly not the parrot-learning methods, Kaviguru introduced an education system that could ensure the infinite evolution of human potential through Santiniketan. This is a legacy we all should cherish and feel proud of before the world. In a way, Gurudev introduced India’s soul to the entire world,” he said.

Shah said he was amazed to learn how, despite being a son of a Zamindar family of Bengal, Rabindranath could express the thoughts of ideas of common people of this earth so eloquently. Paying rich tribute to Rabindranath, Shah said Kaviguru was a global personality in true sense and contributed not just to art in India, but across various disciplines globally.

The educational experiments conducted in Santiniketan are exemplary for educationists across the globe and showcase a new vision of education for the entire world. He said that all the people associated with the field of education in India should take responsibility to strengthen the experiment of Santiniketan and put emphasis on it globally. Shah said that the university should act as an active medium for the exchange of ideas.

Shah said that Gurudev’s thoughts continue to guide our nation even today. Gurudev’s free thought for politics, social life, art and patriotism is unlike the kind of narrow-mindedness that we see in politics now. Shah said that Gurudev’s thoughts are equally relevant and inspirational even today and his thoughts are the wealth for India and the whole world.

Amit Shah permanently solves long-pending problems in the North East

Delhi, April 23rd,2023:Neglected and discarded for the most part since Independence, the beautiful and promising North East is forging ahead to regain its lost glory, thanks mainly to Home Minister Amit Shah’s relentless efforts to bring in a reign of peace and stability in the region. Shah has been serving as the country’s Home Minister since 2019.

The visionary Home Minister, who firmly believes that development cannot be achieved without peace prevailing in any area, has been instrumental, since assuming charge, in permanently resolving at least eight prominent politically-sensitive disputes in the region that were primarily responsible for agitation, ethnic conflict, unrest, militancy and separatism in the area comprising Ashtalakshmi (the eight states).

All eight discords resolved, the latest being the Assam-Arunachal border decades-long dispute, are development-accretive and bear the imprint of the master administrator Shah and his fabled capacity of weaving a full-proof strategy. They also speak volumes about his leadership quality.

Soon after taking over, Shah directed his officials in the Home Ministry to take urgent steps and formulate strategies that would help in bringing about a lasting peace to the area.

The first success came in 2019. During the year, the Home Ministry signed an agreement with the Sabir Kumar Debbarma-led National Liberation Front of Tripura that led to the surrender of 88 activists with 44 weapons.

Under the agreement, a provision of a special economic development package of Rs 100 crore was made available for the development of tribal areas.

The next year saw two historic disputes getting resolved. And in both of them, Shah played a pivotal role. He was instrumental in signing the BRU agreement that provided permanent domicile to 6,959 BRU families, 37,136 persons, in Tripura. A Rs 661 crore rehabilitation package was also sanctioned.

The historic Bodo Accord, signed in 2020, was also a brainchild of the Home Minister Shah. Under Shah’s leadership, an MoU was signed between the Government of India, the Government of Assam, and representatives of Bodo Groups to resolve the long-pending Bodo issue. Following the signing of the agreement, 1615 workers of NDFB factions laid down their arms.

In 2021, under the able guidance of the Home Minister, the historic Karbi Anglong Agreement to get rid of the decades-old crisis was signed in New Delhi with representatives of Karbi groups. The pact ensured Assam’s territorial integrity and saw more than 1,000 armed cadres renouncing violence to join the mainstream.

The Tribal Peace Agreement and the Assam-Meghalaya Inter-State Boundary Agreement were signed in 2022. While the Tribal Peace Agreement resolved the long-pending issue of tribals and tea garden workers in Assam.

the historic Assam-Meghalaya Inter-State Boundary Agreement, signed in the presence of the Union Home Minister on 29th March, was aimed at settling the dispute of six out of the total twelve areas of an inter-state border dispute between the states of Assam and Meghalaya.

Shah’s efforts are yielding results. Compared with 2014, incidences of violence came down by 67% in 2022. During the same period, a casualty in security forces has decreased by 60, civilian deaths by 85%. A total of 8,000 militants have surrendered to come to the mainstream.

Accordingly, the periphery of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) has been largely reduced in the North East. The once-disturbed areas are now turning into aspiration zones.

Amit ends decades-old dispute..

The signing of the Assam-Arunachal Pradesh Inter-state Boundary Agreement involving a stretch of around 800 km Thursday adds another feather to Home Minister Amit Shah’s already decorated cap. The historic pact will not only ensure a long-due truce between the two neighbouring states; but will also act as a catalyst for further progress of the entire North East region, on course to regain its lost glory for some years now. 

The pact, a brainchild of Union Home Minister Amit Shah, will permanently eliminate the scope for raising any future discord between the two states in matters relating to any area or village. The agreement, eighth in line signed in the North East in the last four years, is aimed at perpetuating peace and stability in the region which has enormous potential for economic development.

The agreement was signed in the presence of Shah, who is of the considered view that development cannot be achieved without the prevalence of peace. According to Shah, development requires cooperation and diligence and not agitation or disagreement.  

Speaking on the occasion, Shah indicted previous governments for their inaction which otherwise would have brought such disputes to an end. However, Shah said that the Assam-Arunachal agreement would surely pave the way for the future development of the entire region.  

Once a thriving business and economic centre, the North East region comprising Ashtalakshmi (the eight states) lost its lustre to agitation, ethnic conflict, unrest, militancy and separatism. Immediately after taking over in 2014, the current dispensation took upon itself the task of bringing in a lasting environment of peace, stability and prosperity in the region under its “Act East Policy”. 

The Home Ministry took a three-pronged strategy to deal with the challenges. While the first was to preserve & promote the dialects, languages, dance, music, food and culture to draw the attention of the rest of the country; the second one was to put an end to all disputes in the region and make it a peaceful and stable region. The third strategy of the Modi 1.0 government was to make the North East a developed region.  

Under the leadership of Amit Shah, the home ministry diligently worked towards promoting peace and stability in the region and enhancing the dignity, culture, language, literature and music of the region with a “Whole of government” approach. A victim of negligence and the step-motherly attitude of Delhi for a very long time, the North East has now started coming back to the mainstream of development, shunning violence and militancy. 

The current dispensation has also taken several steps towards economic development in the area. Apart from enhancing budgetary support in a big way and taking up various North East-focused schemes, the government has also recently launched the Rs 4,800 crore Vibrant Village Programme (VVP) for the region. A whopping Rs 2.66 lakh crore has been spent on the infrastructure development programme. DoNER ministry’s budget has also been significantly increased.   

Compared with 2014, incidences of violence have come down by 67% in 2022. During the same period, a casualty in security forces has decreased by 60, civilian deaths by 85% and a mind-boggling 8,000 militants have surrendered to come to the mainstream.

Accordingly, the periphery of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) has been largely reduced in the North East and the disturbed areas are now turning into aspiration zones. (ends)     

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